Rule #1: Closed world

"The world of an inventive solution did not contain objects from a type that did not exists in the Problem World"

Rule #2: Qualitative change

"At less, one negative criterion becomes positive or neutral criterion"

5 Tools

Tool #1: Unification

Find a new use to an existing element of the problem world

Tool #2: Multiplication

Find a new element, from a type existing in the problem world, and modify it to perform the needed use

Tool #3: Division

Find a part of an existing element in the Problem World, and use it to perform the needed use

Tool #4: Breaking the Symmetry

How to change the symmetry of an exixting object to perform the function?

Different symetry have to be examined:

    • Time symmetry

    • Space symmetry

    • Groupe symmetry

Tool #5: Suppression

How to take away an object, and integrate its functions to existing objects?