2020 Fall Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting was presented virtually (via Zoom) and was free to attend.

Hosted by Wingate University and Davidson College

Held jointly with the Southern Atlantic Coast Section of the AAPT (SACS-AAPT)

November 7, 2020

Meeting Highlights

The Wonder of it All

Tom Ehrensperger - Woodward Academy

Teaching physics rightly consists largely of conveying a body of knowledge and helping students develop problem solving skills. I’ve found, though, that what students often retain best decades later – regardless of ultimate career choices – is a wide-eyed appreciation of the physical world around them and of the beauty and depth of the laws that describe or govern it. Two ways we can foster this are by sharing our own childlike enthusiasm, and by delving into the subject as one of the humanities. My aim is to share ways I’ve found myself doing this and encourage others to do something similar.

Meeting Program

Online Program.pdf