
Abstract Instructions Text

Call for Contributed Presentations (deadline Oct 24th)

· Hardware Demonstrations (limit 20)

AAPT contributed presentations consisting of low cost hardware-based demonstrations on all physics and astronomy teaching topics, including outreach, are encouraged. It is expected that all contributors

o demonstrate the apparatus along with a brief technical manual and/or poster integrated into a workshop station

o present the workshop station in about four – 15 minute intervals to small roaming groups (under 6).


· Posters

AAPT contributed presentations consisting of

1) pedagogy posters – to be displayed during the Friday evening registration (optional) and also during the Saturday afternoon poster session, and

2) research posters (undergraduate and graduate) – to be displayed during the Saturday morning registration and also during the Saturday afternoon poster session.

Rules and Preparation Guidelines

  • Deadline: Oct 24th for Presentations and Posters
  • Who may submit an abstract: The privilege of contributing presentations is restricted.
    • NCS-AAPT and other AAPT members in good standing;
    • Nonmembers whose completed membership applications and payments for the first year's dues are submitted before the abstract deadline;
    • Nonmembers whose abstracts are sponsored by members. These abstracts must include a footnote with the statement: "Sponsored by (member's name)."
  • Format of Abstract Submission: Title, Presenter(s), Affiliation, Address, and e-mail address. Also designate whether you are a high school student, an undergraduate student, or a graduate student for the purpose of being considered for the various awards. Pedagogy posters will not be judged.
  • Abstract and Title Length: Abstracts must be fewer than 150 words. The program chair reserves the right to edit abstracts, if necessary, for clarity, grammar, syntax, etc. Abstracts above the 150-word limit will be returned. Titles of abstracts are limited to 12 words.
  • Poster session: Authors presenting in poster format are asked to limit their presentation size to no greater than a 4'x4' display space. Presenters are expected to be present in that area at the designated times. All posters must be set up in the time allotted at the beginning of the session. Audiovisual equipment for posters will not be provided. Each presenter will have access to one standard electrical outlet, but this needs to be requested at the time the abstract is submitted.
  • Policy: In accordance with the AAPT Constitution and policy, authors are requested to be sensitive to, and show respect for, ethnic, cultural, religious, and sexual diversity. For example, you should not use language that suggests that physicists are exclusively male. Additionally, AAPT's official measurement system is the International System of Units (SI).
  • Submission of Abstracts: (hyperlink or box below)