Julian Persistence pays: FoSSP win a Sustainability Grant -Surrey Square Park Regeneration

Post date: 07-Jun-2013 00:13:44

Thanks to Julian and Frank the Friends have won an Offer of Sustainability Grant -Surrey Square Park Regeneration from Community Spaces (Groundwork UK). This funds were difficult to secure and they come as corollary to the larger grant from the same Community Spaces people to maintain the work done.

Congratulations! On behalf of the Community Spaces Program I am pleased to offer Friends of Surrey Square Park (FoSSP) a sustainability grant for up to a maximum of £3,500.00. This grant is specifically to fund the sustainability of your completed project. Conservation Training and Conservation Management Plan

The grant be be used to provide from tools to pay for training courses like introduction to writing a Management Plan and managing a Urban Wildlife Area. Julian have done a marvellous job contacting suitable training providers and an important part will be our ability to create a Park Management Plan and use it as the base for future long term dealings with the Council.