Green Flag !!

Post date: 13-Aug-2014 20:50:29

From the Secretary of the Friends:

Dear Friends,

We would like to extend our thanks for all your time, hard work and efforts to improve our green space, as...

Surrey Square Park is named as one of the best in Britain and receives a Green Flag Award!

Surrey Square Park is one of the very best in the UK - and that’s official! The park is among a record-breaking 1,476 parks and green spaces that will today receive a prestigious Green Flag Award.

The award, handed out by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, recognises and rewards the best parks and green spaces across the country. A Green Flag flying overhead is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent facilities.

Friends of Surrey Square Park have been working closely with Southwark Council over the last four years to improve the park. Please visit our website for more information at:

Friends of Surrey Square Park Chair Julian Weston said:

“We are absolutely delighted to receive a Green Flag Award for first time from Keep Britain Tidy. This Award recognises and highlights that people living on the Kinglake Estate and surrounding streets are benefitting from a green space of the very highest quality."

Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award scheme manager Paul Todd said:

“We are delighted to announce yet another record-breaking year for Green Flag Award parks and green spaces. A Green Flag Award provides national recognition for all the parks managers, staff and volunteers who, through their dedication and hard work, have helped to create these fantastic places for everyone to enjoy. Quality green spaces are a vital resource for communities and that is why it is so significant that we have given out more awards than ever before."

Please join us for a ceremony to raise our Green Flag in Surrey Square Park on Friday 12th September at 11am.

Best wishes,

Ewan O'Neill