20130529 East Walworth Ward Panel Meeting (Safer Neighbourhood)

Post date: 07-Jun-2013 00:57:43

I attended as a representative of FoSSP to highlight the Park security concerns. Alas, it was not all I hoped it would have been.

The local police of the Safer Neighbourhood Team was there and very helpful. However the message was that the various Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be integrated in larger corps and that the result, in practice, will be of a lesser presence in the streets. They will have however the capacity of summoning a larger presences, taking people from various conglomerate areas, and mount specific operations.

I really hope to make contact with the Council Community Wardens but they did not attend and apparently they are dealing with serious reduction in strength. Nor the Council Anti-Social Behaviour Unit or representatives from the Southwark Mediation Centre could make it, either.

So apart from sensitising a little more those presents to the general security (thankfully decreasing) problems we experience in Surrey Square Park there was not much more to be done.

We'll have to rethink ways of involving more stakeholders to their resolutions.