20130410 New Park Sign

At last a new sign for the Park.

Julian was jubilant:

Some good news - Surrey Square Park has finally got it's very own 'welcome sign' - it was installed today, and as far as I'm aware, it's the first decent sign the park has ever had - some things take time...

Together with the recent street improvements under the East Walworth Green Links initiative, I hope that Surrey Square Park will attract more visitors, and will no longer be considered "underused" by the planners!

Still, as usual we were not told and the old sign has been taken away, while we could reuse it for some other corner of the park!

The older sign was put there (again without any forewwarning) in August 2012 and julian quite rightly pointed it out that:

I visited the park this morning, and I'm unhappy with sign I propose that FoSSP contacts the parks department and asks for this sign to be relocated for the following reasons:

  • The sign is placed too high - 2.4 meters above ground level (entrance signs in other small local parks of Walworth are normally about 0.75 mtrs above ground level)
  • The location is wrong - the current location is at a secondary entry point - the intention was to locate it at the main entrance on the southern boundary, which is opposite the gap between Southborough and Tenterden, and aligns with the Bagshot Street "Green Finger".

This is a good example of what a little group (when they have a Julian with them, of course) can do to improve a little oasis.