20130507 Plants & Planters

Julian send out a distressed email about the planters:

Regrettably, we have had some of our plants removed from the raised planters

These were planted by children during our Community Spaces event just over 2 weeks ago.

It is very frustrating, but I guess we have to be philosophical about it, stay positive, and keep on planting!

What would really help would be to set up more regular gardening and maintenance activities around the park, and involve the local school too. If locals could see people in the neighbourhood caring for the park, it might foster a bit more respect.

I had a look myself but I think the flower plants have been simply stolen. It has happened a number of times in the past after various events that involved planting of sort. I am not too worries, it is just one of those things that come as part of living in these parts ;-).I am more encouraged by the fact that not all have gone missing and that no wanton vandalism seems to have taken place.