MICA Bylaws

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This is a DRAFT that is 20% complete.



(Amended January 19, 1998 and March 16, 1998)


The name of this association is to be known as the Marrowstone Island Community Association, incorporated under Section 3872 to 3882 inclusive of Remington’s Revised Statutes of the State of Washington.


The object of the Association shall be to provide a common meeting place for residents and land owners on Marrowstone Island, to assist in the orderly and planned development of the Island and to serve as a forum for education and information.

ARTICLE III - Powers of the Corporation

This Corporation shall have the power to acquire any and all kinds of real and personal property for use and benefit of the Marrowstone Island Community Association and to use, sell and encumber or to otherwise dispose of and manage for the benefit of the Corporation, subject to the approval of a quorum, which for this purpose shall be a minimum of seventy-five (75) % of the total current membership.

ARTICLE IV - Membership and Dues

Sec. A Membership shall be open to all residents and/or property owners of Marrowstone Island who are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Persons must be members of the Association at least thirty (30) days before having voting privileges in the Association and six (6) months before accepting an elected office in the Association.

Sec. B Dues shall coincide with the fiscal year, September to September. Dues are payable in advance. Dues paid on or after the last meeting in May will apply to the next fiscal year. Dues paid before the May meeting will apply to the current fiscal year.

ARTICLE V - Officers and their duties

Sec. A Officers of the Association shall be: President, President-elect who shall serve as Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers will be elected for one (1) year by a majority ballot of the members present at the last meeting in May. Also elected at the May meeting will be two (2) members of the Association to serve on an Executive Board (Council) and two (2) members to serve on the Nominating Committee for the following year.

Sec. B The Executive Board shall consist of six voting officers and the non-voting Committee Chairs. The most recent past President is in ex-officio status. A quorum for the Executive Board shall be four voting officers.

Sec. C The Executive Board (Council) may act for the Association when a matter of extreme importance occurs that requires immediate action before a meeting of the Association can be called. A quorum for the Board is four (4).

Sec. D The President shall preside at all General Membership and Executive Board (Council) meetings, shall appoint one (1) member to the Nominating Committee, appoint all other committees needed, with the exception of the Cemetery Committee and the Citizen of the Year Committee, call special meetings and perform all other duties usually associated with this office.

Sec. E The Vice-President shall act in place of the President in the President's absence, serve as the Program Chair, and co-chair the Strawberry Festival with the President.

Sec. F The Secretary shall keep minutes of General and Executive Board Meetings, maintain files and current correspondence and conduct business in the name of the Association, as directed.

Sec. G The Treasurer shall deposit all monies collected and pay all bills approved by the President. The Treasurer shall collect dues and maintain a current Membership Roster, said Roster to be available at General Meetings for Membership Chair use and for Secretary's use in certifying quorums.

ARTICLE VI - Committees and Duties

Sec. A The Program Chair is the Vice-President.

Sec. B The Membership Chair shall keep a record of members' attendance and act as meeting host. The Chair shall invite new and established residents and property owners of Marrowstone Island to become members.

Sec. C The Refreshment Chair shall provide and serve refreshments at meetings and events.

Sec. D The Publicity Chair shall notify news media of meetings and activities. (See Article VI, Section I.)

Sec. E The Historian shall maintain a scrapbook of newspaper articles and miscellaneous memorabilia and have scrapbook on display at meetings.

Sec. F The Nominating Committee shall consist of two (2) members elected by the membership and one (1) appointed by the President. They shall propose a slate of officers to be elected at the last meeting in May. Other nominations for each office may be made from the floor. There must be a majority ballot of those members present to elect.

Sec. G The Cemetery Committee shall be a continuing committee of not less than five (5) nor more than seven (7) members chosen by a vote of the Association at any meeting when a vacancy occurs.

Sec. H Standing committees are Comprehensive Planning, Ground Water, Salt Water, Emergency Preparedness and the Fire Protection and Prevention Committee.

Sec. I MICA positions or recommendations from any MICA committee to news media or any governmental entity shall have prior Executive Board approval.

ARTICLE VII - Meetings

Sec. A General meetings of the Association shall be held in September, November, January, March and May.

Sec. B The September General meeting is the start of the fiscal year. Elections take place at the May meeting.

Sec. C Special meetings may be called by the President or an Executive Board quorum vote. The membership must have at least a one week notice.

Sec. D A quorum shall consist of two (2) members of the Board and thirty (30) % of the members of the Association.

Sec. E Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall apply to the conduct of meetings if consistent with the Bylaws.

ARTICLE VIII - Amendments

Sec. A These By-laws may be subject to amendment by a written request of one (1) or more members to the President at least fifteen (15) days before a scheduled meeting of the Association.

Sec. B A notification shall be made to all members that there will be voting on a change in the By-laws at that meeting.

Sec. C After a discussion of the change proposed, a two-thirds (2/3) majority for the change, with fifty-(50) % of the Association membership voting, will amend the By-laws.


May be amended by a simple majority at a General meeting.

  1. General Meetings of the Association shall be held the third Monday at 7:00 PM in the months of September, November, January, March and May.

  2. The first (1st) meeting of the year will be the annual pot-luck and will begin at 6:00 PM.

  3. MICA will sponsor the Strawberry Festival on a weekend in June.

  4. MICA members will assist in repair/construction of the premises at the request of the Garden Club and MICA will make a donation of at least $125 to the Garden Club annually in September to help cover expenses on the hall.

A "MICA Bylaws" file is located in the MICA file cabinet in the Nordland Garden Club.

Interpretations and/or potential amendments


Potential amendments