Questions and answers about the MI Citizen of the Year (COTY) program

Click here to return to the main COTY web page.

What can I do if I have a question or a concern about the COTY program?

Answer: If you have a concern about any aspect of the COTY program, please do one or more of the following:

  1. Click here to review the selection process described in the agenda of the COTY Guidelines, or

  2. Click here to review the list of past COTY honorees and find one who is a friend that you can talk to, or

  3. Click here to contact the current MICA President to get the names of two MICA representatives who observed the selection process and talk to them, or

  4. Send me (Pete Hubbard [COTY 2010] at an email describing your concern and I will do my best to get it answered or addressed.

Why do we never hear anything about what happens during the COTY Selection meeting?

Answer: The main reason that we ask participants in the Selection meeting keep the proceedings confidential is surprise. We do not want anyone to know who was selected until the January MICA meeting announcement. Over the years we have been very successful with that surprise and people really say how much they love that part. It is a lot simpler to have one general rule to not share anything that happens in the room, than to have a qualifying rule with exceptions that says you can share a, b, c, but not x, y and z.
