MI Nextdoor


The Island Net on Marrowstone Island Nextdoor

I started the Island Net on Yahoo Groups 14 years ago in 1999. We currently have 317 subscribers which is about a third of the Island population.

In January, 2013, a friend mentioned that someone had started a new mailing list on Griffiths Point. Then in July I learned that it was a new social network platform called Nextdoor. I Googled it and read some rave press reviews https://nextdoor.com/press/ and liked what I read in their About page at https://nextdoor.com/about_us/.

I typed in Nextdoor.com and registered and saw a map showing the Griffiths Point Nextdoor Neighborhood and noticed that the rest of Marrowstone Island (MI) was not defined. As the first person to register in the “undefined” part of MI, I became the “Founder” and began drawing the boundaries of the MI ND Neighborhood to include the rest of MI. Now, all of MI is defined. See the Nordland map at https://nextdoor.com/find-neighborhood/wa/nordland/

I talked to Island friends and sent out various types of ND invitations and we now (as of 10/23/2014) have a total of 287 members out of 205 households (31% of all households on the Island).

ND has set up 44,000 ND neighborhoods (NDNs) around the country and is adding - on average - 75 new neighborhoods each day. There are 10 on our Quimper Peninsula (Port Townsend to Port Ludlow). See nextdoor.com/find-neighborhood/wa/port-townsend/ In a few years, ND expects to have 155,000 NDNs throughout the U.S..

ND and Yahoo Groups share many features. But only ND focuses ALL of it's resources to develop a platform and tools to support and serve the Neighborhood. It's all in their mission statement.

"Nextdoor was created based on the idea that the neighborhood is one of the most important and useful communities in a person's life. Nextdoor's mission is to use technology to help neighbors build stronger and safer neighborhoods." (http://help.nextdoor.com/customer/portal/articles/804999-what-is-nextdoor- )

Here are 3 features that ND has that Yahoo Groups does not have.

  1. ND offers personal profiles where you can add information about yourself - if you wish - such as your personal or business website, or Facebook page, or whatever you want to share with Islanders to help them learn more about you and your passions. Yahoo Groups does not have this capability. See my profile https://marrowstoneisland.nextdoor.com/profile/958927/ (Yahoo post 10/23/2014)

  2. ND permits subscribers to create one or more private or public Groups – sub-mailing lists for special interest groups (SIGS). If there were 30 SIGS on Marrowstone, it would be significantly easier to create 30 MI ND Groups than to create 30 separate Yahoo Groups. And more importantly, the 30 MI ND Groups would exist WITHIN the larger MI ND neighborhood, not as separate entities. Currently, there are 52 MI ND Groups. (Yahoo post 10/23/2014)

  3. Are you tired of reading my (or someone elses) posts? You can’t do anything about that on Yahoo Groups - except delete my posts when you see them. ND offers a "mute" feature. Read more about mute here - http://help.nextdoor.com/customer/portal/articles/970285-muting-members

More ND features are described here http://help.nextdoor.com/customer/portal/articles/941887-how-is-nextdoor-different-than-facebook-groups-yahoo-groups-and-google-groups-?b_id=98 and there will be many more to come. The recent trick-or-treat candy icon mark on the MI ND map is one interesting example of what is possible.

"Users often categorize Nextdoor as a Facebook for neighborhoods, but that's not exactly right, Tolia said. Unlike Facebook, where users are encouraged to share personal nuggets about their days or interesting stories, Nextdoor is more of a utility site — a Craigslist and LinkedIn hybrid, restricted to those who live close-by. "[Nextdoor] is not about self-expression," he told Mashable. "This is about problem-solving."

(http://mashable.com/2013/08/21/nextdoor-android-app/ ).

As you can imagine, I am eager to see Yahoo subscribers use MI ND

If you only enter the minimally required information, it takes less than 2 minutes to register and a day or 2 for ND to verify that you are an Island resident (call me at 385-0105 if you want me to verify you as soon as you register, or read this ND Help article on other ways you can get faster verification - http://help.nextdoor.com/customer/portal/articles/805357-what-is-address-verification- )

Click this link to join – www.nextdoor.com/join/KGZRHU. During your registration process, ND will offer you optional things you can do - like inviting your Island friends and neighbors to join. If you don't wish to do that at this time, just click the "Skip" button.


A demonstration of Nextdoor

Click demo.trynextdoor.com/vip/ to view a demonstration of Nextdoor. While in the demo, click on each of the links in the left sidebar. - particularly one or more of the Groups.



MI ND Groups is an option. No one needs to join or create a Group. "Groups provide a way for people who share common interests to communicate in their own area of Nextdoor. Examples of groups might include neighborhood watch volunteers, book club members, residents of a specific block, cyclists, seniors, HOA members, bridge players, people who love good wine, or parents of toddlers." (Source)

The Yahoo Island Net does not provide this very powerful function.

Here are some Groups you should and may want to join

Once you have registered (See "Join" below.), review the list below of Groups already created and join those of interest. If you don't see a Group that you want, be the first to create it. Groups can be either public or private; most should be public, but that is up to you.

You can easily Join then leave then Join again as often as you wish. It just takes a simple mouse click.

You should join ALL of these Groups

You should join only ONE of these Groups

  • Based upon where you live on the Island: MIEP Section(s) NE, NW, E, W, S, GR

You should review these Groups to see if you want to join one or more

Suggested public Groups someone may want to create



Click this link to join – www.nextdoor.com/join/KGZRHU. During your registration process, Nextdoor will offer you optional things you can do - like inviting your Island friends and neighbors to join. If you don't wish to do that at this time, just click the "Skip" button.


Click hphubbard@gmail.com to send me your Qs. I will not use your name.

Duplicate postings?

Island Net type postings are now appearing only on the MI Nextdoor (MI ND) news feed. I'm not encouraging MI ND subscribers to duplicate their posts on Yahoo Groups although they may if they wish.

Duplicate postings.may become annoying to both the sender and readers. The sooner everyone registers on MI ND the sooner we can close out Yahoo Groups, eliminate the need to duplicate posts and move to the Island Net on MI ND.

Click this link to join – www.nextdoor.com/join/KGZRHU. Click "Skip" if you don't want to enter information now or ever.

Pete 385-0105

I'm already getting too much email.

You will have more (granular) options to control the amount and type of email you get from MI ND. Please review ND Help and this ND Demo email settings.

What will happen to non-Island subscribers to the Island Net?

Over the years, I have subscribed several non-Island organizations to the Island Net (Yahoo) so they could post announcements of interest to most: like the sheriff, the JC Library, Tri-area Senior Center, etc. I am working with the 2 sheriff candidates to activate the ND City Partnership program which will allow the sheriff to post to our MI ND, and maybe allow the others. Read more at www.miep.us/city

ND currently only allows Island residents and land owners to subscribe to MI ND.

Until ND gives me the ability to subscribe non-Island residents, please ask one or more Yahoo/MI ND subscribers to forward your posts to MI ND.

Pete 385-0105


Three weekly classes at Hubbard's

I will conduct three demo/class/tours of Nextdoor at our home (824 Schwartz Road) IF there are 4 or more attendees. The days/times will be Tuesday (1 pm to 2 pm), Wednesday (7 pm to 8 pm) and Sunday (1 pm to 2 pm).

Please RSVP by sending me an email to hphubbard@gmail.com or calling me at 385-0105. I will send you an email IF the event will happen.

Please join the "Nextdoor 101 demo/class/tour at Hubbard's" Group - https://marrowstoneisland.nextdoor.com/g... - to ask questions about this event.


More about Nextdoor

