
What started this conversation on 1/17/2012 and the responses

    1. Don's original post then all of these posts.

    2. We heard in the Jefferson County Community Planning office that the tribe was going to restore the salmon spawning creek which drains into Mystery Bay at the park. It was destroyed when the golf coarse was excavated. So that at least sounds promising...

Poll Casino (Yes or no) 1/18/2012

If there were a way that we (the MI community) could learn that someone wanted to purchase the golf course for a casino and if we had the power to approve or deny it, how would you vote? Note: You will need to use your Yahoo Id to log in to the Poll on the Island Net Yahoo website. Thank you. Pete

Posts announcing the Poll The Poll

No, no, no = ; No = ; Maybe = ; Yes = ; Yes, yes, yes =

JC Land Use and Building Permit Database Search for the golf course and Barclay's residence

Link to web page

  1. Barclay's home at 880 Schwartz Road (parcel No title transfer as of 1/18/2012