Hellow Page entry

This web page (or one like it) could contain information (or links to information) about the Nordland Garden Club (NGC).

If you ...

  1. have the approval of the NGC Board and have created your own website for NGC,

    1. or want to develop THIS web page,

    2. or want to develop a simpler Google Docs to replace this web page (see Future web pages),

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"(NGC Mission Statement here)"

    1. Bylaws

    2. Committees

    3. Board


(The following text was provided by Pat Seavoy on 5/1/2011 and permission to publish here given by Co-President Sally Dern on 4/30/2011)

Nordland Garden Club Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1937 by a group of twenty Marrowstone Island ladies. It is dedicated to promoting an interest in gardening and associated subjects such as landscaping, flower design, horticulture and community service and beautification. We are a member of National Garden Clubs Inc., Pacific Region, Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs, Olympic Peninsula District.

Elected officers of the club consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Trustees. The Board of Trustees are responsible for and have the authority to schedule the use of the hall. Nominations for the next year's officers are open in March of each year. Yearly dues are $20.

The clubhouse and grounds are owned by the Nordland Garden Club at a tax exempt status. Fund raising activities are necessary to provide financing for property maintenance, grounds upkeep, insurance, utilities, national and regional dues, scholarships and more. Wreath sales are our main fund raising activity. It occurs yearly in November and is a week long workshop with lunch breaks for soup and bread. It is a festive, fun event and every member is expected to participate in some way. Our other main fund raising events are the Plant Sale held every two years in April and a Craft Fair with local artists and crafts people participating, held yearly in the first weekend in July.

A Flower Design Show and Horticulture Show are also held every two years. This is not a fund raising event. Some other activities that the club participates in are the Jefferson County Fair horticulture exhibit, Pi project at Chimicum School, Holiday meals at the Senior Center, maintenance of the Welcome Triangle, and Sound View Cemetery, scholarships for graduating seniors from the Island and more.

General meetings of the club are held on the second Wednesday of every month, September to June with the exception of December in which a Christmas party is held in place of the monthly meeting. The business meeting starts promptly at 10 am. Upon completion of the meeting there is a lunch and social time, followed by a program and guest speaker. The lunch is prepared by 4-5 garden club members. Every member is expected to serve on a lunch committee for one monthly meeting.

A candidate for membership must be a full or part time resident of Marrowstone Island and have an active interest in gardening and related activities. She will be eligible for membership after attending 3 meetings or other club activity. She then can submit a membership application signed by two member sponsors.

Nordland Garden Club invites Marrowstone Island ladies of any age, who are interested in our club, to attend one of our meetings, followed by lunch and a program. An invitation will be yours by contacting the current Membership Chairwoman. A contact number is available in the monthly meeting announcements in the Marrowstone Briefs in the Port Townsend Leader the first week of every month.