Orthetrum nitidinerve

Recorded in seven 10km squares to the end of 2015.

2014 seems to have been a good year for Orthetrum nitidinerve. José Manuel Moreno-Benítez, Javier Ripoll Rodríguez and Francisco de Erit Vázquez Toro found and photographed both males and females in Málaga province and in September I found males at two sites on one river and a male and female at another arroyo, the latter having good numbers in a subsequent (July 2015) visit. I couldn't find any in September 2015 - perhaps because I arrived after the first rains. In July 2016 I saw this species at two new locations with getting on for 30 territorial males along the Arroyo de las Piedras and in September 2016 I counted a minimum of 82 individuals along a 3km stretch of the same arroyo. It has now (July 2017) been recorded in at least 11 10km squares.

2016 seems to have been a special year on the arroyo de las Piedras and the numbers seen there since have been low.


Orthetrum nitidinerve male
Orthetrum nitidinerve male

Immature male



Orthetrum nitidinerve female
Orthetrum nitidinerve female

Mating pair


Ovipositing female
