Photos of Little Shelford people (1 of 4)

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from Little Shelford's history. Or can you help tell

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Portrait of Thomas Wale, son of Gregory Wale, father of Sir Charles Wale

from A Record of Shelford Parva by Fanny Wale P3

"Portrait of Gregory Wale when about 5 years old painted 1668." From A Record of Shelford Parva by Fanny Wale P61

"I am the child in the push chair with my Mum, Olga Hindley. We lived at 3 High Street

- where I was born at home in 1965. I don't remember the man Mum was talking to but

I think I liked his boots!" Jo Hindley

Thomas Wriotheseley, Fourth Earl of Southampton

Vic Dickerson making hurdles at the back of Prince Regent, Hauxton Road, Little Shelford

Charlotte (Nee Rider) Ivett with her grand daughter Lucy Constance Ivett.

"For 40 years John Everett was Clerk and Sexton to All Saint's Church." From A Record of Shelford Parva by Fanny Wale P35

Emma Elbourn baptised in 1844 in Little Shelford

"Mrs Charles Gee (Ann Collins) 2nd wife of Mr Charles Gee" From A Record of Shelford Parva by Fanny Wale P42

"Charles Elbourne died in 1908 but this photograph shows him walking down Church Street when he was 68 years of age accompanied by his little grandson Charlemagne, then 5 years and 8 months old; in 1914 he enlisted to fight the Germans." From A Record of Shelford Parva by Fanny Wale P37

Col R.G Wale et al

Mrs Bosschart, Cintra Lodge, Little Shelford

Mrs Bosschart, Cintra Lodge, Little Shelford

Mrs Bosschart, Cintra Lodge, Little Shelford

"This portrait of Miss Elizabeth Finch at her house in Church Street. She and her sister were the first Sunday school teachers in Shelford." From A Record of Shelford Parva by Fanny Wale

Mrs Rodwell, Rectory Farm, 1926

Mrs Payne in1915

Charlotte (Nee Rider) Ivett

Dennis Atkins, who received the George Medal while serving as a District officer in the Colonial Service in the Bechuanaland Protectorate,( now Botswana). The medal was awarded for his actions in warding off attacks on the Government staff while being wounded himself during the Serowe riots in 1952.

Vic Dickerson, hurdle maker

Rev Berwick, Sid Dockerill, Mary Cage, Jill Andrews, Little Shelford

Person not known

Rupert Neve at the Priesthouse where he started the Shelford Studio range

For more Little Shelford people photos click here

Fishmonger Jack Hurst