Sid Dockerill

Sid Dockerill was a Sergeant in the Cambridgeshire Regiment, who won the was decorated with great distinction having won the MM and then the DCM (distinguished conduct medal) twice during World War 1 for leading a bayonet charge on The Somme when the Cambridgeshire Regiment were involved in storming the Schwaben Redoubt in the Battle of the Somme in 1916. CSM Dockerill’s complete medals bar & portrait photo are on display at IWM Duxford, in the Cambridgeshire Regiment exhibition inside their Land Warfare building.

Sid survived and returned home to his home at 10 Newton Road to become the grave digger at the parish church of All Saints Church, where, for decades, villagers used the village bier to transport coffins to the church.

Rev Berwick, Sid Dockerill, Mary Cage, Jill Andrews, Little Shelford