Brooke Crutchley

Brooke Crutchley, (1907–2003), who lived in Little Shelford, was Printer to Cambridge University between 1946 and 1974 and an advocate of good book design and typography.

His collection of letterpress printing (Ref: MS Add.9824/E) comprises over 200 items, including limited edition booklets, prospectuses, Christmas greetings, invitations to exhibitions and dinners, monographs and other single sheet ephemera sent to Crutchley by friends and colleagues from private presses in the UK and abroad. The collection was kept in six box files in his study in Little Shelford, Cambridge, labelled ‘Double Crown Club’, ‘Printing Items 1’, ‘Printing Items 2’, ‘Private Presses’, ‘Rampant Lions Press’ and ‘Whittington Press & Gwasg Gregynog’.

The collection is now available for research at the University Library.

Read a blog about his collection by his daughter Anna Crutchley.

Here is Brooke Crutchley's obituary in The Times.