
While pondering the use of Facebook I apparently missed a social phenomena sweeping the internet. vLoggers certainly form communities and the interesting question is the knowledge being shared. The following are my collection of resources that I will add upon as they become available.


Haul Video, vlogs (video blogs), vloggers, Haul Vlogging, Haul Vloggers, UnboxingWiseGeek definition for haul video: "A haul video is a video displaying the fruits of a shopping trip which someone uploads to the Internet. Haul videos may be used by bloggers to connect with their readers and community, and they are also used to generate communities of their own."

Popular PressYoung female vloggers show off their haulsHaul Vlogging: Teens Show Off What They Got at the Mall'Haul Videos:' The Ultimate In Materialistic PG Porn? (NPR)Finance & the Fashion Blogger: “Haul Videos”Inside the World of Haul Vloggers (Vanity Fair)Look What I Bought (or Got Free) (New York Times)vLoggers and BusinessDoes it really count as vlogging if your vlog is about your own company's product. Check out Sharing Videos is EASIER than ever before with KODAK PLAYTOUCH on Kodak PluggedIn by David Snook, Marketing Manager, Pocket Video Cameras - aka Vlogger Dude, Rochester, New York, USA


Some articles listed in Google Scholar .....

The entrepreneurial vlogger: participatory culture beyond the professional-amateur divide

"YouTube as an example of “co-creative” culture – whatever YouTubeis, it is produced dynamically (that is, as an ongoing process, over time) as a result of many interconnected instances of participation, by many different people."

Social Network Analysis of Video Bloggers Community

Real vlogs: The rules and meanings of online personal videos

Agency and Controversy in the YouTube Community

Vlogging: A survey of videoblogging technology on the web

Exploring the gender divide on YouTube: An analysis of the creation and reception of vlogs