Mobile Payment Services

Smartphones, particularly the iPhone, extend the geographical range where transactions can take place placing a premium on mobile payments. Mobile payment services (in alphabetical order) that compete to varying degrees with Square Up credit card reader. Postpaid bill payment is ingrained in our culture so mobile payment applications allowing for credit card payment service facilitate this consumer trend.

Security concerns may not be fully addressed at this point. For example, the Los Angeles Times has the article Square's mobile credit card reader easily hacked, says VeriFone (Mar 10).

Apple Mobile Pay (news link)

Billing Revolution

Corduro - receives investment from Google.

Cred-Ex for all mobile platforms (news link)

FarcCash (news link)

Hypercom for iPhone: SmartPayments MobilePlus and SmartPayments MobilePro (news link)


MasterCard MoneySend (news link)

Open Mobile Payments (beta) now available to all developers. (news link)

Paypal Send Money iPhone app (news link) now allowing in-app (non-credit card payment) on iPhone and Android devices (news link)


Starbucks Mobile Card introduced in October 2009 and now in over 1000 stores (as of early April) (news link)

TIO Networks for iPhone or Android OS (news link)

Visa PayWave (news link) contact-less chip embedded in iPhone case - see also iN2Pay (news link)