Exposing Pillars of Sand

Mohammedanism is the practical, social and unspiritual, concerned to win the empire of this world. It was the duty of the faithful to conquer as much of the world as possible for Islam. The first conquests of the Arabs began as mere raids for plunder, and only turned into permanent occupation after experience has shown the weakness of the enemy. The Arabs, although they conquered a great part of the world in the name of a new religion were not a very religious race; the motive of their conquests was plunder and wealth rather than religion.

Bertrand Russell

(Nobel Lecture, 1950)

Exposing Pillars of Sand

It is quite evident from the Qur’an and Hadiths that Islam as an ideology was conceived by Muhammad to perpetuate Arabic imperialism and conquer Arabia and then the earth. Using God as the catalyst to imbibe obedience and fear into his subjects, Muhammad cunningly formulated his ambition to conquer Arabia and the world.

The basic tenet of Islam is monotheism; believe only in one God, Allah. However with the caveat that Muhammad was his final and complete prophet, to be obeyed by all; being the only person with the power to intercede on behalf of humans on the day of judgement.

Islam is based on five pillars,  declaration of faith in Allah and Muhammad, ‚ prayers five times daily, ƒ giving charity, „ fasting during Ramadan and Haj – pilgrimage to Mecca.

These pillars of Islam are in reality made of sand. As soon as they are exposed to the elements, a right thinking brain, they start eroding. To protect the pillars from criticism, free thought and free speech, which might divulge their frailties, a barrier of threats is erected around them which invariably are enforced by violence.

To lure believers, Muhammad devised a heaven full of lust and earthly greed, a promise which many Arab Bedouins gullibly succumbed to. There were even greater rewards in higher heavens for those who participated in ventures of plundering, killing, and raping those Arab pagans who refused the message.

Mesmerised by promises of rivers of wine, flowing fountains, access to countless perpetual virgins and young boys, unlimited food and beautiful gardens, all precious commodities to the desert Bedouin, the hapless illiterate Arabs fell for it hook, line and sinker. They were therefore fearless in battle, willing to die for their leader’s cause, while longing desperately for that incredible heavenly afterlife. This has been the key factor that consistently brought Islam victory over their enemies.

Martyrs who died in the way of Allah, received all these grandiose allurements, but for those surviving the battles, Muhammad ensured he made lawful some of those treats right here on earth. Women and children captured in battle became the possession of the Muslims, as did their properties. Slavery was sanctioned and multiple wives from age six and up was authorised based on the example of the prophet himself.

On the flip side of the coin, Muhammad expanded on the concept of hell as enunciated in the Christian bible, graphically detailing the cruellest of punishments awaiting those who did not do his bidding. With different levels of hell with varying levels of fire where skin is replaced each time it is burnt off for a period of eternity, the prophet realised a tool of utter fear that psychologically repressed the minds of those falling into his trap.

Probably the only heavenly bait prohibited in the earthly life was alcohol. Muhammad spoke of rivers of wine flowing in paradise from which the believers would have unlimited access but with no side effects. Here in the mortal life though, Muhammad needed an army always mentally and physically alert ready to do battle. He needed subjects in a state of mind prepared for regular prayers to Allah and his prophet, unaffected by the negative effects of alcohol.

Prayers five times a day at rigid hours was essential to the mind control and brainwashing he instilled in his followers. By constant repeating of the Salah (ritual prayer) which praises Allah, requests blessings unto Muhammad, confesses that Muhammad is Allah’s servant and messenger, and requests that Allah be gracious unto Muhammad, the Muslims were quickly indoctrinated to obey their leader’s every command.

Praying must be performed facing the Kaaba in Mecca, making Arabia the central focus for all Muslims. This site is so significant that pilgrimage and reverence to it, forms one of the faith’s pillars and hence compulsory at least once in a lifetime. Muhammad said the Arabs were the best community created for mankind (Q3:110) and would one day rule the earth according Allah’s divine laws; a dream that still persists in the minds of those eager to recreate the Islamic Caliphate.

Once in the grip of Islam, exit is nigh impossible with life intact. Once a Muslim, always a Muslim! In accordance with the teachings of Muhammad, leaving Islam or dishonouring its teachings or prophet, attracts the death penalty; a stipulation that has effectively impeded free thinking and any exodus from its flock since its inception.

There is little real world value in the Qur’an or Hadiths; scriptures with a high proportion solely compelling the worship of Allah and the revering of His last prophet, with the persistent frenzied rants against the unbelievers and compelling sanctions for purging the world of them. Moral and ethical guidance are sorely missing as are any semblance of science and technology that could improve life on this planet.

However the moral high ground is always assumed amongst the believers, with calls for the death of adulterers, homosexuals, unbelievers and apostates. Not forgetting the example set by Allah in the Qur’an when he supposedly destroys entire towns because of sinfulness and unbelief; or Muhammad’s more than seventy offensive raids against those rejecting his invitation to Islam whilst legalising the booty obtained from them.

There is only one Islam; that revealed by Muhammad. Claims that one version is an extreme interpretation and another is moderate are nonsense. Either one practices what Muhammad revealed and follow his example or they are not truly a Muslim. Muhammad was extreme in every aspect of life. From veiling and genital mutilation of females, to stoning adulterers, to chopping of hands, to torture for booty, to genocide of peoples, to slaying of unbelievers, to owning of slaves and to raping of women captured in war. All these traits were core to the life and teachings of the founder of Islam. To take on the designation as Muslim one must inherently revere the life and acts of Muhammad and be willing to carry out his commands without a second thought. If one is allowed to ponder on the atrocities of Muhammad’s life and question his teachings, Islam will fall like a house of cards.

Therefore to survive, Islam must subjugate various facets of man and society. It must control the minds of the believers, it must practice deceit to the outside community, it must humiliate the unbelievers within its realm, it must control its women and it must use scripture as a tool of fear.

An ideology so pregnant with hatred and intolerance, concerned only with the well being of those within its fold, is extremely hazardous to the future of mankind. When misled to believe that these scriptures are God given truths, and a ticket to paradise is assured for those following through on its commands, a believer’s psyche can turn as cold as ice. Ancient Bronze Age barbarity coupled with today’s modern technologies provides a scintillating recipe for possible disaster not too far off on the horizon.

A world naïve enough to succumb to the repetitive lie of Islam’s peaceful agenda will one day awaken to witness its true colours, that of dominion over all other religions by whatever means available at its disposable.

Those concerned with the human rights of every individual, yet yield to the deception of multicultural relativism and blind respect for ideologies regardless of their core teachings of hatred, terrorism and the persecution of women, religious minorities, homosexuals and intellectuals, subconsciously endanger and condemn the victims subjugated within.

Islam subdues the human psyche, usurps freewill, and has no regard for basic human rights. It is not amenable to change and is unable to assimilate with other cultures. The only reformation available within Islam is its eradication through honest exposure.

It is a close-minded, intolerant and bigoted ideology that should have no place outside seventh century desert Arabia let alone within a civilised twenty first century global village.