My Technology

How does technology effect your life?

Create a document of you with your favorite technologies.

Describe how these technologies affect your life in a positive and/or negative way.

You can create this project using any program that includes images and text. (such as: Word, PowerPoint, Pages, KeyNote, etc.)

Comic Life is a great program that you will learn to use for this project.

Download a free trial. Try Skitch for Mac only from the makers of Comic Life.

Try Comiqs an online comic creator.


Include an image of each technology, preferably an image of yourself interacting with the technology.

Use photo-booth, a digital camera or your camera phone.


Include the name of the technology and a brief description of how and why you like it.

Publish Comic Life project

Upload your Comic Life to Blogger

  • Export Comic Life to iPhoto
  • Export from iPhoto to Picasa Web Albums
    • Make a public album
  • Add album as a slide show gadget to your blog
  • Complete Evaluation
Comic Life


Project Comic Life - Read Comics like the one below. Create your own with Comic Life.