


Read the directions for each number below and follow the instructions. When you see the , look at your Task Sheet to answer the question. Hint: It may be helpful to read the question before watching the video or visiting the given website!

1. Click on the picture below to watch a video about Garfield and cyberbullying. Make sure to pay attention to what Garfield is telling you!

In a complete sentence, explain what cyberbullying is.

2. Click on the picture below to watch a video about Artemus the Panda and cyberbullying.

What are the 3 things you should do if you are being cyberbullied?

3. Click on the picture below to learn more about cyberbullying.

On your Task Sheet, fill in the missing words to complete the sentences.

4. Read the comic below about cyberbullying.

Source: Are You a Cyberbully? Comic

What would you say to a friend who was cyberbullying someone?

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