Blog Safety

Blog Safety

Click On the link Blog Safety

  1. Read: Don't Let Your Online Life Sabotage Your Professional One
  2. Read: Safe Blogging Tips for Teens
    1. Read at least 2 more articles from this site.
  3. Open a new MS Word document.
    1. Write a Short 50-100 word essay that persuades your classmates to practice safety when Blogging or using the Internet.
  4. Revise and edit the essay. (Make sure you write in complete sentences, use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.)
    1. Create a blog Create and Edit Blogger and share your essay as a new post.
  5. Follow your classmates blogs and make a comment on at least two of their blogs.
    1. Essay Writing Resources.
  6. Post a list of 3 Blog Safety Tips (Look at what other students have posted first so you do not repeat the same tip.)

Safe Blogging Tips for Teens

  • Be as anonymous as possible. Avoid postings that could enable a stranger to locate you. That includes your last name, the name of your school, sports teams, the town you live in, and where you hang out.
  • Protect your info. Check to see if your service has a "friends" list that allows you to control who can visit your profile or blog. If so, allow only people you know and trust. If you don't use privacy features, anyone can see your info, including people with bad intentions.
  • Avoid in-person meetings. Don't get together with someone you "meet" in a profile or blog unless you are certain of their actual identity. Although it's still not risk-free, if you do meet the person, arrange the meeting in a public place and bring some friends along.
  • Photos: Think before posting. What's uploaded to the Net can be downloaded by anyone and passed around or posted online pretty much forever. Avoid posting photos that allow people to identify you (for example, when they're searching for your high school), especially sexually suggestive images. Before uploading a photo, think about how you'd feel if it were seen by a parent/grandparent, college admissions counselor, or future employer.
  • Check comments regularly. If you allow them on your profile or blog, check them often. Don't respond to mean or embarrassing comments. Delete them and, if possible, block offensive people from commenting further.
  • Be honest about your age. Membership rules are there to protect people. If you are too young to sign up, do not attempt to lie about your age. Talk with your parents about alternative sites that may be appropriate for you.

© 2006

For more information about blogging and Internet safety, visit, and