ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΤΖΕΡΜΙΑΣ - Giannis Tzermias and Empedocles

Cette page est en l'honneur des peintures de ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΤΖΕΡΜΙΑΣ, concernant la Physique d'Empédocle. La reproduction des peintures, sur papier glacé, se trouve dans son livre ΠΕΡΙ ΦΥΖΕΩΣ: Μία ζωγραφική ϐασισμένη στόν Ἐμπεδοκλῆ, Athènes : Gabrièlidès, 1995. Les pages ne sont pas numérotées (on en compte cependant 80). Le texte du Peri Phuseôs (édition Diels-Kranz) est reproduit sur les pages de gauche ; les pages de droite sont le plus souvent consacrées aux peintures.

On y compte au total 55 peintures. J'en présente ci-dessous quelques-unes. Il y aurait bien des commentaires à faire. Je me limite seulement à quelques points. Le peintre consacre 8 tableaux à chacune des quatre racines divines (fr. 6) : Zeus, Héra, Nestis (dans cet ordre), Aïdôneus. Zeus est surtout caractérisé par le marron foncé. Héra par le jaune. Nestis par le bleu. Aïdôneus par le marron foncé (mais avec plus de compléments de couleurs que Zeus). A ces quatre racines est ajoutée une série de 8 tableaux consacrés à ΑΙθΕΡΑΣ, comme s'il fallait introduire le cinquième élément d'Aristote. Ces tableaux de l'éther sont, à la différence des autres, multicolores. Pour finir, le peintre a consacré 7 tableaux à Neikos (marron), et 7 tableaux à Philotès (multicolore, mais où le bleu domine, puis vient le jaune).

Le peintre a en tête la correspondance racines/éléments suivante : Zeus = feu ; Héra = terre ; Nestis = eau ; Aïdôneus (Hadès) = air. Héra est représentée comme le lieu de l'enfantement des mortels.

La sphère est un point commun à presque tous les tableaux. Il est difficile de ne pas l'interpréter comme étant le Sphairos, le dieu d'Empédocle, dieu toujours absent dans le monde des mortels éphémères, mais toujours présent en esprit pour le philosophe d'Agrigente. Pour Zeus, la sphère est toujours à gauche. Pour Héra, toujours en haut. Pour Nestis, toujours à droite. Pour Aïdôneus, toujours à droite au bord du tableau. Pour l'éther, toujours au centre. Pour Neikos : pas de sphère. Pour Philotès : toujours au centre. Faut-il comprendre que le Sphairos, à la façon néoplatonicienne, est en permanence là ? Bref, peu de choses ont été faites au hasard. William Berg, qui m'accompagne dans la compréhension de l'oeuvre d'Empédocle, a bien voulu traduire en anglais la postface écrite par Giannis Tzabaras à ce livre de Giannis Tzermias.

Yiannis Tzermias undertook to bridge the gap of 25 centuries that separates us from the Thinker of Acragas; his purpose has been to show us, in violent color, an exceptionally grand vision.

YIANNIS TZAVARAS, Professor of Philosophy, University of Crete

Jean-Claude Picot



Je remercie Stavros Kouloumentas qui, en septembre 2015, à Paris, m'a fait connaître ce livre.

Nevertheless, the main topic that the ancient thinker Empedocles of Acragas set forth — the topic that makes him a fruitful source of inspiration for Yiannis Tzermias' pictorial renewal of the cosmos (as for the work of any other perceptive craftsman) — is the cosmic generative and destructive activity of Love and Strife. Those two apparently anthropomorphic concepts extend in such a radical way the boundaries of cosmic totality (but at the same time extending any conceptual approach to the cosmos) that it's hard to think of them as being conceptual rather than physical boundaries, simultaneously theoretical and concrete, human and divine, natural and supernatural. If in fact we arise from fire, earth, water, and air, then Love and Strife provide an answer to the question, where do those four roots come from, and where are they going? Under the influence of Love, the four roots merge and create either a single harmonious spherical unity (Empedocles calls it Sphairos), or a number of unities more or less spherical, more or less incomplete and perishable. Under the influence of Strife, the four roots become separated from each other, tearing apart every sort of configuration, and bringing on, in place of the harmonious unity, a chaotic confusion of all things. Although the technological resources of present-day astrophysicists have expanded the cosmic horizon, they haven't succeeded in forming an equally broad concept of cosmogony and cosmocatastrophe: before and after the few billion years of their perspective, their ability to hypothesize is blocked — whereas Empedocles continues right on!

The four roots need to be mixed in a sustainable proportion so that that molded sphericality, the tiny human brain, may be engendered and may sprout complete with all its psychosomatic functions. A deep chasm needs to be cut into the inner parts of the earth's womb so that a river may burst forth from the rocks — fiery lava, flowing water and airy breath — in the midst of which, and through which, the human form will emerge. Finally, the four roots need to keep an entirely decent — that is, proper and appropriate — distance from each other so as to afford the indispensable space for growth, self-configuration, and self-dispersion in each human or interhuman entity.

Yiannis Tzermias' recourse to the world of the Presocratic philosopher Empedocles arises from a necessity, the necessity for forms to take root that are now hovering in suspension — those forms that are the anthropomorphic bodies of our era. True, they may not be able to take root more firmly and fruitfully than those four "roots" (fire, earth, water, and air) that the Agrigentine philosopher first conceived and introduced to human consciousness. The fact that Empedocles deals with four stable elements, and that each and every loose configuration and body part (foot, arm, eye, head, trunk) formed from them manages to find its proper place, doesn't mean that those things are frozen in a state of vegetal immobility. Quite the contrary! The four "roots" are the almighty primeval rivers that drive everything before them in a perpetual, whirling rush, and so become the first providers of an explosive vitality — that culminates in a thoroughgoing, complete morbidity.

So we ourselves come from fire, earth, water, and air — that is one of Empedocles' fundamental conclusions. Amid those elements, and thanks to them, we first emerge. They are also the final refuge to which we run as we participate in our own death. But there is nothing accidental about that rise and that fall of ours.

While Yiannis Tzermias is an artist of our time, his spiritual orientation is toward a very ancient period — the period we call "archaic" — because there he has been able to discover a world view to replace that which has today become narrow and lifeless.

Zeus Hera

Nestis Aïdôneus