
DDRKirby(ISQ) - 11-5-11 - Tetris - TAP Death 752

Tetris: The Grand Master

The brand of Tetris that I mainly focus on is the Tetris: The Grand Master series, often abbreviated as TGM. This is not your everyday Game Boy Tetris. To illustrate, here is a video of a high-level player:

I would try and explain some of what makes TGM such a deep, intricate, and beautiful game, but PetitPrince has already written a nice writeup on the subject, so I won't bother repeating his words.

My Personal Journey

I'm currently TGM1 GM and TAP Death M. I've always primarily focused on TAP-style play, with a particular emphasis on Death mode, which is by far my favorite Tetris mode ever created--I just love the physics of 20G. I also dabble in TGM3's Shirase mode a lot, but I haven't bothered to learn how to use hold yet, so I play it almost as if it were a faster version of Death mode. My current primary goal is reaching TAP Death GM.

My playstyle is...alright, I guess. I have a nasty habit of doing lots of fancy moves involving triple-rotates and double-taps, and at low 20G speeds like Death 0-300 or even Shirase 0-300 I tend to spazz out and rotate pieces in really silly ways sometimes. In addition, my stacking tends to be much more pyramidal than it ought to be. So my stacking definitely needs some work, and my finesse...well, maybe someday I'll have cleaner finesse. I'm basically fine in the speed department though, as I can handle Death 500 speeds pretty comfortably, as long as I don't try anything fancy or tricky.

My Videos

My Tetris videos are all available as one organized YouTube playlist, sorted by date:



You can see my current personal records on the main Records page.

KeyBlox/Typomino/Typing Tetromino

See the KeyBlox page.