Song Listing

This page lists, in order of production, every single song that I've produced. This list includes songs that might not be available for download and songs that might be completely unreleased, but it does -not- include short WIPs and random experiments that I don't consider to be finished works. It includes collaborations that I've done but doesn't include works that other people have based off of my works. It also doesn't include works that I classify under Composition.

Completionists: Please see the FAQ at the bottom of the page.

This is intended to be the be-all end-all definitive list of all music I've ever released.

DDRKirby‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎(ISQ)‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ Song Listing

Q: When was this list last updated?

A: You can tell what month it was last updated by looking at the latest ~Monthlies~ album it contains. I'm usually pretty good at keeping it up to date.

Q: Wait. Does this list contain EVERYTHING!?

A: Technically, no. For completionist purposes, yes. The reason it technically doesn't is because I have a bunch (not -that- many) of random things that I've produced that for the most part can't be called full songs, and so this list doesn't include those. None of those are that important to me, and if they were, they would be on this list in the first place, so they shouldn't be important to you either. If you happen to have any of these and want to keep track of them, that's your perogative.

Q: A lot of this is available from different places! Where should I get it from?

A: My recommendation is to just get everything from my Bandcamp site, as it has everything on this list, and it has the proper album titles and artist titles and everything. For OHC entries, the Bandcamp versions will be higher audio quality, and I never rework any song without putting it under a different title, so the only reason you'd prefer the OHC-downloaded one is if you want to have the OHC version's tags--which tell you which OHC # the song was for, among other things. Also note that, for example, "Sonic Transcendence" is the same as "Ending Theme" by Team Fasto in the "Fasto the Speedhog 2 OST", so if you want those tags to be consistent you may prefer that version instead.

Q: Are the versions of your OHC entries on Bandcamp any different from the ones you submitted to OHC that are available for download at the OHC site?

A: As previously mentioned, I never rework songs without putting them under different titles, so for the most part, no. If I do rework it, I'll either call it a different mix, for example "Undetermined Depths" versus "Undetermined Depths (Determined Mix)", or I'll call it something different entirely, as in "Warming" versus "Warmed". There are a few small exceptions to this--for example, some of my OHC postings have render errors that I wasn't able to fix in time, so you want the version from Bandcamp in that case.