

The latest version is GrazerFighter v0.15a, released on 1/5/11.

GrazerFighter v0.15a - Windows - Linux - Mac (OS X)


GrazerFighter was my attempt at making a "bullet hell" type shoot 'em up game. I actually got a fair amount of work done on it, but it's since been discontinued in favor of the much bigger and better Quasarian project. It was initially going to have some sort of level and shop system like Phoenix, but I never got around to implementing that.

Note: This is an alpha release of a discontinued project, so it's not feature-complete by any means.



-"Focused" (slower) movement by holding down shift

-Death and respawning (but you have infinite lives)

-4 different types of enemies that spawn indefinitely!

Known Issues

-FPS counter might not always behave accurately (mainly when the window loses focus).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How come you don't get hit by most bullets?

A: GrazerFighter is a "bullet hell" type game, meaning the actual hitbox of your ship is extremely small in comparison to the in-game sprite (the hitbox roughly corresponds to the bright blue square). This makes up for the fact that bullet density is much higher than in more "traditional" shmups.

Q: Will GrazerFighter ever get a full release?

A: Probably not. It's not an impossibility, but I'd rather focus my efforts on Quasarian first.

Q: Why "GrazerFighter"?

A: I was initially going to make "grazing" (just barely skimming past a bullet without actually being hit) a core gameplay element--for example, you would need to graze in order to use more powerful weapon types. I actually implemented the graze detection, and the game plays a small "tick" sound every time you graze a bullet, but aside from that I never implemented anything else with grazing.

Q: Cool music!

A: That's not a question ;). The background music for this is actually a very simple loop that I threw together in not much time at all. For my actual electronic music works, check out the Production section. I don't consider this to be an actual released song, but if you really want it, it's included under the music/ directory as an ogg file.

Q: (Linux) Where can I find the SDL libraries?

A: Most package managers should already have them available. You'll want the following packages: libsdl1.2debian libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0

Alternatively, you can grab them from these links:


SDL_image -

SDL_mixer -

SDL_ttf -

Q: How did you make GrazerFighter?

A: Short answer: C++.

Long answer: GrazerFighter is programmed in C++, and uses SDL with OpenGL. SDL_image, SDL_mixer, and SDL_ttf are used as extension libraries. The Windows build was developed in Visual Studio 2008, but the release build was compiled using MinGW. The Linux build was compiled with g++ under VMWare running Ubuntu 9.10 RC. The artwork was created in GIMP, and the sounds and music were made using FL Studio.

Q: Is the source code available?

A: At this time I don't have any plans to make GrazerFighter an open-source project.

Q: Can I redistribute GrazerFighter?

A: Please just link people to this page instead.