Landing Page of October 7, 2018

What's happening this week?

October 7: Frappe Day (enjoy one!)

October 8: Pierogi Day

October 9: Curious Events Day - Stop worrying about your day to day life, check out events without explanations!

October 10: Handbag Day - Go buy yourself a new one ladies!

October 12: Old Farmer's Day; visit an older farmer and ask how things have changed in his world!

Yesteryear in Springville, NY...

1937: Methodist Church & Parsonage

1925: Blue Bird Bungalow

1921: East Hill

1918: Bordon Condensory

1910: Church

1907: Main Street

1907: another view of Main St.

1906: Aerial view of Main St.

Stop back next week for another look at Springville!