BSDRA Easterns 2021 Report

With COVID precautions in mind, this year’s event was restricted to teams based at Rutland Sailing Club, which precluded the previous winners of both Feva and Firefly divisions. Norwich, Rugby and Royal Hospital School were notable amongst those sadly not invited.

Six Firefly and five Feva teams represented Oakham, Oundle, Rutland SC, Stamford and Uppingham with Oundle contributing a stunning four teams plus extra sailors nearby training with their spare coach. They are surely top of the league for participation and a school to watch in years to come.

There were no turnaround RIBs, instead each team arrived in its own boats. Both divisions sailed a full round-robin before heading ashore for a quick lunch. Then the top two teams in each division raced a best-of-five final, this time in matched flights, whilst the other teams sailed a winner-stays-on ‘King of the Hill’ league until the finals were complete.

And the results?

Feva final: 3-1 to Rutland A, with Rutland B in second place.

Firefly final: 3-0 to Rutland (unbeaten throughout the day) who carry the Eastern Championship Trophy, with Stamford School in second place taking home the Rutland Trophy for best school team.

And a farewell to Oakham School for whom this was the final event. Coach Nick retires at the end of term and the school has no plans to continue competitive sailing. From now on, any fast Oakham sailors will need to race as members of Rutland Sailing Club.