
Web, Blog, & Group Integration

Experimental combination of Web Page, Blog Site, & Discussion Groups

One of my long-standing gripes about the typical web page is that it is not interactive and does not allow the reader to easily establish communications with the page originator, and with other readers. It has always been my contention that interactive communications via a web page would dramatically improve the experience for both originator and reader, and could support continued improvement in the content of web pages through this feedback process. With this in mind, I have built a web page that attempts to accomplish this via web, blog, and discussion group integration. The links shown to the left of this text include conventional web pages, interactive blog sites, non-interactive blog sites, and discussion forums. Of course since this is a Ham Radio oriented web site, most of the content will be focused on Amateur (Ham) Radio projects and concepts.

The problem with using Blog Engines as extensions of web pages is that they force you to view data on a last-in = first-out basis. This makes it a bit confusing if you want to lay out a project from start to finish using multiple blog entries. Thus far I don't know of any blog engine that supports viewing posts in a first-in = first-out basis, or on a user selectable basis. If you know of such a system, I would be interesting in taking a look at it.

"Ham Radio", Amateur Radio", "QRP", "Homebrew Electronics", "Test Equipment", "Receivers", Transmitters", "Transceivers", "Consulting Services ($$$)", "Concepts", "Ideas", and...?