
Huff & Puff Tuning Step Calculator

Program to calculate step size based on Ron PA2RF Fast-Mode H&P Stabilizer

This Linux/UNIX shell script program calculates the tuning step size for a Huff & Puff oscillator stabilizer. It is based on a web page by Ron Brink PA2RF.

The program calls the "dc" Desktop Calculator to do the math, so you will need that installed on your UNIX/Linux system in order to run this code.

Program screens look like this:

The PA2RF Fast-Mode stabilizer circuit looks like this:

Schematic by: Ron Brink PA2RF

Here is my program to calculate tuning step size for this circuit:

=============== START ===============



# This program calculates the step size of a Fast-Method Huff & Puff Stabilizer.# The method is based on work by Ron Brink PA2RF, located at:



# This program implements Ron's mathematics in an interactive menu method.

# You just populate the fields in the menu, then tell it to caclulate the

# step size onee all the fields are correct.


# As with my other Shell Script programs...This is FreeWare.

# If you use it, it is yours. If you break it, you fix it.


# Arv Evans K7HKL

# 15 February 2008


# You must have the program "dc" installed in order to run this program.

# I use the Desktop Calculator (dc) for math because it is clean, fast,

# and efficient, but mostly because it allows me to set the level of

# precision in the output.


# If you want to use this program via a window manager menu, you can configure

# your menue editor for calling this software in a terminal session. Give it

# a menu icon and it will look and act much like the rest of your window based

# applications.


# ====================================


# Initialization (we need some usable values or the start screen looks funny).





stepsize=`echo "2 k $vfo $vfo * $shifts $divider $xtal * * / p" | dc`

# Initialization complete



while true


echo "#======================================================#"


echo "#========================= K7HKL =========================#"

echo "# #"

echo "# 0) Exit Program #"

echo "# 1) VFO Frequency = $vfo Hz"

echo "# 2) Shift Register Stages = $shifts"

echo "# 3) Division Factor = $divider"

echo "# 4) Crystal Frequency = $xtal Hz"

echo "# 5) STEP SIZE = $stepsize Hz"

echo "#=========================================================#"

echo -n "# Selection: "

read selection

case $selection in

0|q|Q) exit


1|V|v) echo; echo; echo

echo -n "Enter your VFO Frequency in Hz: "

read vfo


2|r|R) echo; echo; echo

echo -n "Enter the number of shift register stages: "

read shifts


3|b|B) echo; echo; echo

echo -n "enter the division factor: "

read divider


4|c|C) echo; echo; echo

echo -n "enter the crystal frequency in Hz: "

read xtal


5|s|S) echo; echo; echo

echo " The step interval is $stepsize Hz."

echo -n "Hit ENTER to continue: "

read junk


*) echo; echo; echo

echo "ILLEGAL COMMAND in $selection. "

echo -n "Hit ENTER to continue: "

read junk




stepsize=`echo "2 k $vfo $vfo * $shifts $divider $xtal * * / p" | dc`


=============== END ==============