Katalin Lengyel “The End”

TITLE: The End

Concept/Performance by: Katalin Lengyel

"If an opera singer has a half-an-hour aria before dying, I am going to have at least 10 Minutes!"

The protagonist of my latest solo work 'The End' has already appeared in a previous duet of mine called 'Super' that investigated the gap between popular culture and contemporary dance. This time, this creature is going to be alone on stage while exploring questions like: What does it mean to die on stage in front of many people and how does a contemporary dancer deal with her aging?

TITLE: The End

Konzept/Performance: Katalin Lengyel

"If an opera singer has a half-an-hour aria before dying, I am going to have at least 10 Minutes!"

Die Protagonistin untersucht die Kluft zwischen Pop Kultur und zeitgenössischem Tanz. In diesem Sinne beschäftigt sie sich mit den Fragen, was es bedeutet vor Publikum zu sterben, und wie eine zeitgenössische Tänzerin mit dem Älterwerden umgeht.



Katalin Lengyel (HUN) | Freischaffende Tänzerin und Choreographin. Neben ihren eigenen Produktionen hat sie 2010 die Kampanie 'Respect Art' gegründet und fungiert als künstlerische Leiterin des Frissek Minifestival in Budapest, das die neuesten Ideen von PerformancekünstlerInnen zeigt.

Katalin Lengyel is a contemporary dancer and choreographer based in Budapest. Besides making her own work in 2010 she established the art campaign 'Respect Art' and she is the artistic director of the Frissek Minifestival that intends to present the latest ideas of emerging performing artists.