Week # 5- Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

I see in optical illusions a great fun and employing them with electricity will have additional and artistic fun together, so the idea for my project was inspired by animated optical illusions,So I decided to combine the movement of the motor and electricity and make a trick of the Pac Man movement through a belt of scattered black strips at a certain distance above the Pac Man drawing so that the motor moves the belt and gives me the impression that Pac Man is moving behind the black strips

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?


tinkercad software

This program is used to simulate any electrical circuit, whether using Arduino or through electricity directly, Once I search for the electronic components which I want and connect the circuit,and I can know if it will work or not through this program before actually making the circuit


1- cardboard for build the body

2- paper for make the tricky

3- scissors for cutting cardboard

4- hot glue to attach parts together

5- ruler and pencil to drow design

6- electronic components for make moving with electricity

dc motor for moving axis

9v adapter (power supply)

to give dc motor 9 v to make it work efficient with its need for voltage and current

bread board for easy connection

jumper and crocodile wires for connecting components together

resister for giving the appropriate voltage to led

green light for lighting and a sign that the device is on

adapter jack to connect pin of adapter and jumper wires together

on/off switch

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?


It is a drawing that comes out of the appendages in a certain way so that if I pass over it the black stripe above the drawing, it becomes like moves and here lies the optical illusion and using a primitive belt made of cardboard and thin wood I was able to move it with the motor so that the movement becomes continuous

(my input is on/off switch , my out put was green led and dc motor)

the process

1- build cardboard body (19*35*5)cm and v belt driver

2-print the pictures

3-create the circuit of components in tinkercad

4-make the circuit reality

i connected the circuit in parallel way to increase the efficiency of circuit and used 9v adapter to give components the right voltage and current to operate

so i connected dc motor , green led ,on/off switch and adapter by jumper and crocodile wires

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

1- make an experiment to run circuit

i connected dc motor , green led ,on/off switch and adapter by jumper , crocodile wires and breadboard

  • i put negative pin of adapter in negative common pins in breadboard and positive pin in positive common pins in breadboard too

  • put pins of led in breadboard and connect anode (+) of led with pin of dc motor and another wire from same pin to positive common pins in breadboard and cathode of led (-) with pin of resistor

  • the another pin of resistor connected with the another pin of dc motor and pin of switch

  • put the another pin of switch in common negative

2- i cut parts of cardboard and collected it to make box with open area (picture and black stripe ) and i opened the exit place for adapter jack ,led,axis for dc motor and switch

  • put the black stripe around v built driver then put the picture between driver and stripe installing it well at a certain height from box and i installed dc motor with axis of v built to be able to move the black stripe

3- on the power from on / off switch

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

1- i was confused because i didn't know how to connect electrical circuit and what’s the way to do that so, my instructor Esraa and instructor of zagazig Shelbaya help me to know how i connect components together by series and parallel way

2- in the circuit of rgb led i was confused how can i connect 3 potentiometers in the circuit with three pins of led so crisis maker yasen elfiky help me and show me the circuit with tinker cad

3- in the task i can’t forget my favourite maker Mariam Ashraf because she was with me all night while i was making the task

  • the bigest issue was the v built driver is so light to carry the black stripe so dc motor wasn't be able to control the axis of driver

so the stripe got slow and didn't make it’s goal and unfortunately i can't solve this proplem so i power the circuit with slow motion of black stripe


Final Project pacman

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

  1. i have learned how can i make an electrical circuit with tow types of connection ( series and parallel)

  2. i have learned how to use tinkercad software to make circuits and simulation them

  3. i learned how can i use voltmeter

  4. i learned how can i connect 7segs with electricity and control it , rgb led connection and controller too

  5. how to use breadboard to get connection easier

  6. a cool controller of lighting with potentiometer

  7. and how can i use electrical curcuit to build a nice project

  8. finally we learned how to make h bridge by electricity so i make wit yara and mahmod a nice somo racing ca

final result


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

making series and parallel connect with dc motor , lamp and on/off switch



making numper 7 with 7 segs and push button

making purple color with rgb led

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

with yara and mahmod we designed and made primitive somo race car with h bridge circuit

za7l2a (somo race car)

Assignment Design Files