Week # 6- Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

It is a fun thing to make a game using electronic components and Arduino. When I was searching in Pinterest, I found this idea, which is a toy scorpion that moves its tail through the servo, so I modified it and added red eyes to it to make it more realistic and made a model for it to show the idea well

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?


tinkercad software

This program is used to simulate any electrical circuit, whether using Arduino or through electricity directly, Once I search for the electronic components which I want and connect the circuit,and I can know if it will work or not through this program before actually making the circuit

Arduino IDE software

Arduino is a coding software use c++ language for code and its communication language between Arduino board and electronic components by coding language and i connect board with software by USB cable


1- paper for make the body of scorpion

2- scissors for cutting cardboard

3- hot glue to attach parts together

5- ruler and pencil to drew design

6- string for connecting tail with axis of servo

7- electronic components for making the model with Arduino board

servo 180 ْ rotation

to make tail moving in angle which i want

5v adapter (power supply)

to give components the right voltage and current to operate

bread board for easy connection

jumper wires for connecting components together

resister for giving the appropriate voltage to led

red led for lighting and acting as eyes scorpion

ultrasonic sensor

to sense any movement in front of scorpion by measure the distance between the thing and scorpion and can make an action after that ( tail move )

adapter jack to connect pin of adapter and jumper wires together

Arduino uno board for controlling the components

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?


It is a model of a scorpion that moves its tail through the servo motor and has red eyes by means of the LED. If anything approaches it, its eyes light up and its tail moves. I used TinkerCad Blocks to control the components via the Arduino.

my input is ultrasonic sensor ,outputs 2 red leds,servo motor

the process

1- make the circuit in tinkercad (arduino uno,breadboard,servo motor,2 red leds ,ultrasonic sensor,5v adapter,2 resistors)

2-write code by tinkercad blocks and arduino ide

block code description : my flow is when ultrasonic sensor sense any motion as (input) leds will turn on and servo will start moving as (outputs)

so I started with put if conditioner block and in it i put rotation servo block to put pin wich will connect with arduino and to limit servo angle after that i put delay block to stop time for 1 second ,then rotate servo back

i also put leds block to write pins number and her situation(high , low)

and finally i put on else block the opposite of all above

3- test simulation of circuit in tinkercad

4-make the circuit real

5- make the model by paper , scissors ,hot glue and string for connect servo with tail and but the circuit in body

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

1- make an experiment to run circuit

i connected servo motor , 2 red led s,2 resistors and ultrasonic sensor in breadboard with arduino and adapter by jumper and common pins in breadboard .

  • i put negative pin of adapter in negative common pins in breadboard and positive pin in positive common pins in breadboard too and make common ground with arduino

  • put (+) pins of 2 leds in digital pins of arduino and (-) pins of leds with 2 resistors and the another pins of resistors in common (-) breadboard

  • signal pin of servo in pwm pin in arduino ,gnd pin in common ground in breadboard and power pin in (+) pin of adapter

  • echo , trig pin of ultrasonic in digital pins in arduino ,gnd pin in common gnd in breadboard and vcc pin in 5v pin in arduino

2-i make body of scorpion by colored paper , scissors and hot glue and make spaces in tail to be enable to collect it with servo motor

3- i powered this circuit by Arduino and 5v adapter

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

1- I had a little confusion about how to operate the servo from the adapter and the sensor from the Arduino, and both of them came up with one code via the Arduino, but Youssef ali did this circuit with me in Saturday's project with the idea of ​​a common ground in breadboard, so I was able to understand the solution to the problem and how to distribute a current from different power sources and keep the whole circuit connected together

2-I had a problem that I wanted to control the speed of rotation of the servo axis and its exact angles, and Mahmoud ezzat helped me to understand through the code how to control the speed of the servo that I supply more dilay when I specify the angle of rotation

3-I had a problem with controlling the tail by attaching the thread to the servo, and I used to stick the thread at the upper end of the tail, but I discovered for easier control and assembling the whole tail so that I fixed the thread at the lower end of the tail

Final Project scorpino

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

  1. i have learned how can i write code with tinkercad blocks and send it to software arduino

  2. i have learned how to use tinkercad software to make circuits and simulation them

  3. i learned how can i Combine two different current sources in one circuit

  4. i learned how can i control servo with sensor and how con i control angel rotation of servo

  5. how to use breadboard to get connection easier

  6. use Arduino to control circuit of components

  7. and how can i use electrical curcuit with arduino ,input and outputs to build a nice project


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

with youssef ali we designed and made wave hand model with two states (manual , automatic)

manual state

say hi to sa7lofa

Assignment Design Files