Week # 8- Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

technolgy and electronic attract me most of time and make simple thing about that is cool for me so, i make a simple smart home system with arduino uno and controling it with my phone this system contain light , fan and timer with components like (led ,5v fan ,lcd ,7segments unit )i did it

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?


fritizing software

Fritzing is a great open source tool for anyone to teach, share, and prototype their electronic projects! It allows you to design a schematic, and thus a part, which can then be added to very professional-looking wiring diagrams. You can even design your own PCBs and have them fabricated from the files you design

the main reason for using this software because tinkercad didn't have more components and fritizing has advantage (downlaod component file which you want)

Arduino IDE software

Arduino is a coding software use c++ language for code and its communication language between Arduino board and electronic components by coding language and i connect board with software by USB cable

materials (electronic components)

resisterto reduce current flow, from 5v of arduino to 3v which led need

9v adapter

to help arduino (giving 5v and 40ma for each pin) giving fan (need 5v for work) ,led (need 3,2 v for work) ,lcd and 7 segment component current and voltage suitable for working efficiently

bread board for easy connection

jumper wires for connecting components together

red led for lighting as light system of home

Arduino uno board for controlling the components

7 segment unit as timer of coffe machine

lcd i2c 16*2

to show the informatin and see what i control

5v fan as fan in smart home system

adapter jack to connect pin of adapter and jumper wires together

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

simple smart home system

i make simple system from led (light system) , 5v fan , 7 segments unit(timer of coffemachine) and lcd to show me the data or information about my orders all of that with bluetooth module to control this system with phone

my input (bluetooth module ),my outputs ( red led ,lcd screen,5v fan and 7 segments unit)

the process

1- make the circuit in fritizing (arduino uno,breadboard,red led,5v fan,bluetooth module ,7 segs unit,1 resistor,lcd screen and 9v adapter)

2-write code by arduino ide software and describe it

code file : drive.google.com/file/d/13nQ4HmvYimAbtq91ZCUF-1w8ywnCrKbw/view?usp=sharing

code description : my flow is when i connected bluetooth module with phone as (input) i control (7 segment unit,led,5v fan) and all of this data appear on lcd as (outputs)

in area before void setup

  • i including servo,lcd libraries to can control it with arduino by (#include) function

  • i initialize led and fan pins by (#define ) function

in void setup

  • i initialize pins of 7 segs unit,led and 5v fan with (pinmode and its state (input or output)) function and servo with (attach)

  • i use this function ( lcd.noBacklight();) to make lcd light

    in void loop

  • i use (while) function to control component with Bluetooth module and appear data in LCD at the same time

  • first (if,) function i use inside while is for controlling led to make it high when i push in switch 1 in my phone and sentence("turn on lights!") will appear in lcd

  • second (else if) function i use inside while is for controlling 5v fan to make it high when i push in switch 2 in my phone and sentence("turn on fan!") will appear in lcd

  • third (else if) function i use inside while is for controlling 7 segs to make it high with conditions of leds inside it to make number from 9 to 0 when i push in switch 3 in my phone and sentence(""turn on coffemachine timer!") will appear in lcd

3-make the circuit real

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

1- make an experiment to run circuit

  • i connected (-) pins of 4 leds in negative pins in breadboard and connected common (-) of breadboard with gnd of arduino

  • connected (+) pins of leds with resistors

  • another pins of resistors with pins of push buttons

  • another pins of push buttons with digital pins of arduino

  • finnaly connected (-) pin of buzzer in (-) pins in breadboard and (+) pin of buzzer with pwm pin in arduino

2-made body of simon say game with paper,scissors,hot glue

3- i powered this circuit by 9v adapter

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

i have a proplem with 7 segment unit when I turn on it one led (segment) is not controlling with arduino so I change the resistor which connected with it and change the position of tid pins in arduino

Final Project simple smart home home

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

  1. i have learned how can i write code with arduino ide software

  2. i have learned how to use tinkercad software to make circuits and simulation them

  3. i learned how can i Combine different components and control it with code

  4. i learned about different types of sensors

  5. how to use breadboard to get connection easier

  6. use Arduino to control circuit of components

  7. and how can i use electrical curcuit with arduino ,input and outputs to build a nice project

  8. new skill how i can get code library

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

with doaa , se7try and sroor we make simple robot arm with bluetooth module

Assignment Design Files