Honors Chamber Choir Auditions

Membership in Honors Chamber Choir requires a musician who is dedicated, motivated, focused, cooperative, and responsible. In an effort to ensure that each year's ensemble is of the highest caliber and as cohesive as possible, singers are required to re-audition at the end of each academic year to maintain membership in the group.

Audition Dates

All audition dates for the 2019-2020 have passed. Auditions for next year's ensemble will be posted in the spring. If you are new to RSU 5 and interested in auditioning, please contact FHS choral director, Mr. Menifield, at: menifieldn@rsu5.org to set up an audition date/time after meeting with your guidance counselor.

Audition Requirements

Each singer will have an audition of 10 minutes maximum, and should arrive with the Audition Information Sheet and the Consent to Video Record forms completed and signed. Auditionees should prepare to demonstrate the following:

    • A few brief exercises to determine your range and voice part.
    • America the Beautiful (verse 1 only) - You may sing the melody in any key that is comfortable for you. It must be performed a cappella.
    • A major scale on any syllable you choose, 1 octave.
        • Sopranos and Tenors will sing in F Major.
        • Altos and Basses will sing in Bb Major.
    • You will be asked to sing back a few 3 or 4-note pitch patterns after hearing them played on the piano.
    • A basic, 4-bar sight-singing example.

Audition Assessment

Each audition will be evaluated on the singer's demonstration of the following vocal skills:

  • Posture/Breath Management: The singer should demonstrate appropriate standing posture for singing: feet shoulder-width apart, body aligned (but relaxed), chest elevated, and low, relaxed breaths.
  • Intonation (VERY important!): The singer should be able to sing securely in an a cappella style, maintaining the key, and confidently holding his/her part against others.
  • Tone/Placement: The singer should display a relaxed tone that is focused, but not overly nasal or breathy.
  • Diction: The lyrics should be enunciated clearly, vowels should be tall, and consonants should be incisive.
  • Dynamics/Phrasing: Musical lines should be lyrical and articulated appropriately.
  • Notes/Rhythms: Pitches and rhythms are accurate and sung as notated.

Audition Results

Audition results will be announced as soon as possible following the completion of all audition dates. All students who audition will receive a personalized letter informing them of the result - along with notable strengths and recommendations for continued work - regardless of the outcome. Please know that you are always encouraged to speak directly with Mr. Menifield regarding audition decisions. Much consideration is given to acceptances: balance of the ensemble, vocal development, and overall readiness for a high level of performance. In the rare instance that a student chooses to make a formal appeal to the decision, the request for an appeal: 1) may not be made until you've had an in-person discussion with Mr. Menifield; 2) must be submitted within two weeks of the audition date; and 3) must be submitted in writing.