Music Technology

Music Technology is open to any student at Freeport High School, regardless of prior experience in music. Students work on an individual basis, which will allow for frequent personal feedback by the course instructor. Students will learn how to write music and will also learn how to record music and MIDI tracks using ‘GarageBand.

In this class, students will explore the creative process and how to overcome musical challenges that come with making music.

Student Work

Course Information

Music Technology 1 will teach you how to:

  • Work With Pre-Recorded Audio Samples.

  • Structure Music

  • Write Music for Drum Set, Bass, and other various instruments

  • Use Chords & Chord Progressions

  • Create a Cover Song

  • Create an Entire Original Song From Scratch

Music Technology 2 will teach you how to:

  • Use professional audio recording equipment

  • Create your own podcast

  • Create a Soundscape

  • Create Your own Soundtrack to a film/movie

  • And More

Students MUST pass Music Technology 1 to be eligible to enroll in Music Technology 2.

Computer Software

GarageBand is a music software application known as a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). It allows users to create music through multiple facets. Students will learn to create a song using multiple tracks with pre-recorded audio loops, as well as original note entry by use of a MIDI keyboard. Students will also learn how to an array of various instrumental effects, and voice recordings.

HookPad is intelligent online software that helps you create chord progressions and melodies without the use of standard music notation. You can browse through multiple different instruments, chord types, pitch collections, among tons of other unique features that can manipulate the music. You can also save your work, and export it to other file types, to be used with other computer programs like GarageBand or MuseScore.

Google Classroom will be used every day in this course. It will be mandatory for all students to attach their work to Google Classroom at the end of each and every class.

3 Things You Must Have Every Class

Laptop (Fully Charged)




Graded Assignments

Formative Assessments are graded and then given a weight of x1, x2, or x3 (Teacher Discretion)

Though students are given plenty of time in class to work on their Projects, the Course Instructor requires that students submit their work at the end of each and every class. This ensures students are maintaining an adequate pace, as they progress through the course.


(Summative Assessments are graded and then given a weight of x10)

Written quizzes will take place during the class period. Students will be given prior notice to prepare before any quiz.

Each project will be explained in detail as it is introduced to students. These projects will be the primary focus of each class period, and are at the very root of this course. The average final grade of each project will be 50% of your total quarter grade.

Habits of Work

(Habits of Work)

Cell phones and personally owned laptops or tablets are not permitted during any class period. Breaking the cell phone policy during class time will result in detention with a teacher and the phone held in the teacher's office for the remainder of the day.