Early Completion Option Information

Legislation permitting the Early Completion of Induction (SB 57; Scott) is intended to enable experienced and exceptional candidates to complete an Induction Program in one year. Decisions to grant Early Completion are made by the Induction Steering Committee based on a review of application materials,  Evidence submitted for consideration must provide a compelling picture of the candidate’s experience and justification for Early Completion. 


 See this year's application for the due date.

Application Materials for Preliminary Review:

Note:  Your ILP and reflection are also part of your Early Completion application, but are not due until mid-May (see this year's handbook for exact date).

Early Completion Process:

The PT will submit the application for Preliminary Review Early Completion  in early spring (see applications on Resources page for this year’s date).  The Induction Steering Committee will review the documents and provide feedback, questions or requests for additional information.  Final decisions about Early Completion will be made the Steering Committee in May after a review of ILPs and reflections.  Applicants will be notified of final decisions within a week of the Steering Committee date in May.