Common Standard 2: Candidate Recruitment & Support

Candidate Recruitment and Support (Common Standard 2): Candidates are recruited and supported in all educator preparation programs to ensure their success.

Applicant Qualifications

The Induction Handbook (p. 9) states that all new hires are offered the opportunity to participate in our Induction program. No application or further action is needed by new hires, they are automatically considered part of our Induction program unless they opt out.

Candidate Support, Advisement & Assistance

Upon hire, the Human Resources department advises candidates that they will be enrolled in the Induction program unless they opt out. Participating Teachers can learn more about our program from our website. There is no charge to the teachers to participate in the Induction program, and no application process. Matches between mentors and Participating Teachers are made within each district. In PAUSD, The Induction Program Director matches Participating Teachers with mentors. In MVLA, the lead mentor makes the matches, and in LGSUHSD the Human Resources director matches mentors and teachers. All Participating Teachers attend an Induction Orientation to learn about the program, understand completion requirements, and ask any questions. Mentors begin working with Participating Teachers on or before the first day of school and are the primary contact.

Our program recognizes that Participating Teachers enter our program with a wide range of experiences, strengths and needs.

Diversity in experience: We have a high number of experienced teachers entering our program, such as those who have taught in other countries, in private schools, or have been away from the profession for a number of years. Teachers in these groups bring a wealth of knowledge, skill, and diversity to our teaching force, and often need differentiated support in applying their knowledge and skills in new contexts. Through conversations, mentoring sessions and observations, the Program Director and mentor work to understand individual strengths and needs, and provide personalized support that views prior experiences as assets. In recent years, mentors have supported candidates in utilizing what they know as experienced educators in other contexts to build additional skills in their current roles. Areas of focus have included exploring differences in topics such as, what it means to be an accomplished teacher in different teaching assignments (reflection, collaboration, ongoing learning) and classroom management (role and stance of the teacher, teacher-student relationships, parent communication). The assets based approach provides a supportive forum for mentors and teachers to explore perspectives on education, student learning and the role of teachers across contexts.

Credentialing needs: We also have Participating Teachers with a wide range of credentialing needs. Teachers from out-of-state or country often have credentialing requirements beyond Induction. Participating Teachers meet with the Credential Analyst for information about credentialing requirements and resources to meet those requirements. As appropriate, mentors work with Participating Teachers to integrate a focus on fulfilling these requirements (for example, utilizing the ILP Action Plans to focus on working with English Learners to support California Teacher of English Learners (CTEL) coursework). For the 2020-2021 school year, this has included integrating a focus in Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) on reading instruction, with the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA), and California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA) cycle support.

Additional considerations: Additional aspects of diversity among teachers in our program also include racial/ethnic background, gender identity and sexual orientation, differences in educational experiences, etc. Our program recognizes the importance of identifying Participating Teacher needs related to these and other areas of diversity, to provide any needed support and address any concerns. Mentors focus on equity and diversity training and receive additional support from the Induction Director, especially in supporting candidates who express challenges in areas related to their identity or background experiences. Responses in these areas are individualized, and the small size of our program allows for a response to be tailored to each individual situation.

Overall advisement, placement and support: Participating Teachers attend orientation, and an optional Early Completion Overview session. The Program Director provides ongoing communication through email regarding mentor matches; program deadlines and instructions; purchasing units; Early Completion; and mid- and end-of-year program feedback. Participating Teachers and/or Mentors are in contact with the Program Director in the event that considerations, support, or accommodations are needed. Participating Teachers meet with the Induction Director, as needed, to discuss pathways to success, formulate an individualized plan, and ensure common understanding.

Advisement/Orientation Materials
