Ensuring Quality of Mentoring Services

The PAUSD Induction Consortium regularly assesses the quality of services provided by mentors to candidates, using criteria that include candidate feedback, the quality and perceived effectiveness of support provided to candidates in implementing their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), and the opportunity to complete the full range of program requirements. Mentors set goals and receive formative feedback on their work to establish collaborative relationships and support Participating Teachers through the Induction process. 

Candidate Feedback

Candidates feedback is formally elicited during the local survey at the end of the year, and, beginning in 2020-2021 through focus groups.  Beginning in 2021-2022, a mid-year survey will also be conducted and will focus on identifying what is working and any individual or group needs for additional support. The end of year survey asks candidates to identify strengths in working with their mentor and any challenges or needs that arise.  Candidates receive communication from the program director several times a year, and each one encourages candidates to reach out with questions, or to discuss any aspect of the program, especially if a concern or problem arises.  Mentors have requested additional professional learning focused on requesting feedback directly from Participating Teachers on their coaching. 

Assessing Quality of Support

Quality of support provided to Participating Teachers (PTs) is assessed regularly across the year. Individualized Learning Plans, Support Logs, and program milestones are regularly reviewed by mentor peers and the Program Director.  Participating Teachers submit growth goals that they have co-developed with their mentor (with input from their evaluator) in October, and their first Action Plans before winter break. Not only are these submissions important for ensuring PTs are meeting program expectations, they also serve as a check for the quality of support provided to PTs over the course of the year.  The Program Director has access to all ILPs, goals, and Support Logs and regularly reviews them.  The review process provides insight into the quantity and quality of the work on the ILP at the individual mentor level, and for the program overall.  

Program deadlines allow the program director to ensure PTs are being guided through the program requirements on the expected timeline, and also to assess the effectiveness of the work on the ILP.  Regular review provides an opportunity to support PTs and/or mentors with any needs or clarifications needed that may arise in the review. 

Formative Feedback to Mentors

Mentors receive formative feedback through several processes. Several of these processes will be updated to provide more timely, ongoing, and personalized feedback to mentors.

Procedures for Reassigning Mentor/Participating Teacher Pairing

Mentor/Participating Teacher pairings are made with a variety of considerations in mind, such as type of  credential, grade level experiences, and site.  In the event that a match is not effective, the program director will work with the mentor and teacher to understand the situation, provide support, and determine if the pairing should be reassigned.  To ensure candidates are aware of the process information is in the orientation slides and the handbook.  Additionally, questions on the mid and end of year survey provide feedback to the director and mentors about the PT’s perspective on the match, to identify strengths in mentoring relationships and potential next steps