Year 2- Goldsworthy

Your class teacher this year is Miss Savill.

Helping you in Goldsworthy class are Miss Benson, Mrs Sapsed, and Mrs Thomas your learning support assistants. 

Click on the button below to see what we will be covering during our time in year 2!

Autumn Term

During the Autumn Term we are writing our own stories, non chronological reports, and a recount. In Maths we are focusing on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In Science our topics are Animals and Their Habitats, and Uses of Everyday Materials. In Geography we are looking at the weather and seasons. In History we are exploring the history of transport which links with designing our own movable toy. 

Our PE days are on a Monday (outside) and a Wednesday (inside). Please ensure all items of clothes are named. 

Spring Term

In Spring Term, Year 2 are writing detailed descriptions about various book characters practising our expanded noun phrases and increasing our writing stamina. In maths we are learning to tell the time. In science our focus is on animals, including humans. We are learning about our local geographical area and the importance of knowing our address. In art we are exploring mixed media by creating local landscapes in our art books. In PE we are putting together our own gymnastic sequence to perform to one and other. A fun filled term!

Summer Term

In English we are learning to write our own Tale of Fear based on the book The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark. In Maths we are exploring measure and time. In Science we are observing the growth of plants in our nature area and recognising the different types of garden and wild plants, alongside the different types of trees. In History we are beginning to explore what London was like before The Great Fire. We are linking this to our Art project whereby we are going to make own Pudding Lane. We are also busy revising for our KS1 SATS. A busy half term ahead!

Summer 2

In English we are learning to write our own chronological report based on The Great Fire Of London. In Maths we are exploring two digit and three digit numbers, alongside practising and applying our 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables. In Science we are going to be observing the growth of our own individual sunflowers. We will continue to investigate The Great Fire of London and the impact that it has had on history and how it affected the present day.