Student Handbook Dress and Grooming

The faculty and school board are concerned about student dress and grooming as it influences the health and safety of students, as well as the effect of dress and grooming on the learning process and with the ability of a student to do the work of which he/she is capable. Cleanliness of body and dress is vital not only to the individual but also to those with whom the student shares a classroom and locker. Dress of students shall be neat and appropriate. Any dress that sets up a special group or disturbs classroom activities or the school routine is not allowed. Some examples of inappropriate dress are given below:

1. Attire displaying obscene, suggestive, or vulgar text or symbols.

2. Clothing advertising tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.

3. Any clothing that doesn’t appropriately cover the body (spaghetti straps, single straps, no straps, short tops, low-cut pants, see-through and revealing clothing, etc.)

4. Hats or caps worn in the school building during the school day.

5. Going without shirt or shirt unbuttoned.

6. Other articles that a teacher or principal determines to be inappropriate or distracting.

7. Hooded sweatshirts should be worn with the hood down.

These guidelines apply to the school day as well as school sponsored activities at home or away. Clothing articles that cause undue school maintenance problems, such as heavy boots that cause excessive floor marking, the wearing of spurs, or trousers with metal rivets that scratch furniture will not be allowed in the building at any time. Heelys or shoes with wheels will not be allowed in classrooms, gymnasium, and hallways.

Students whose dress and grooming does not conform to these standards will be asked to remedy the situation. Students who refuse or repeat the incident will be referred to the principal. Students whose dress and grooming does not conform to these standards will be asked to change their attire or have appropriate attire brought to them. They will not be allowed to go home to change their clothing. Failure to correct the situation at the principal’s request will result in dismissal from class and a call to the parent. A continued problem would result in suspension for insubordination, either in-school or out-of-school depending on the severity of the violation.