2017 Board Minutes March

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, March 13, 2017

6:00 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Kelly Aesoph at 6:00 p.m. in the Faulkton Elementary Library.

Roll call of members present were Kelly Aesoph, Todd Brand, Grady Heitmann, Scott McCloud and Jerry Weyand. Also present were Superintendent/Elementary Principal Derek Barrios, Secondary Principal/AD Craig Cassens, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Val Ramsdell from the Faulk Co. Record, Tom Oster from Dakota Education Consulting, staff members: Jeremy Demery, Melissa Geditz, Alicia Hammond, Michele Latt and Nikki Melius, and the following district patrons: Gloria Bode, BJ Kalkman, Ryan Nelson, Dave Speck and Tom Strasburg. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2016-17.71. Agenda Approval. Motion by Brand, second by McCloud, to approve the proposed agenda with the addition of “Reporting & Live Board Meetings” at 5.2 and “Kindergarten Discussion” at 6.3 . Unanimous.

Acknowledgements. Mr. Barrios acknowledged both the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams and the wrestling team on a great season. He also recognized wrestling state qualifiers Gage Carter, Andrew Edgar, Gannon Martinmaas and Alex Aesoph who placed 5th at state. Barrios then recognized Mr. Cassens for being chosen as this year’s Region IV Principal of the year.

Conflict of Interest Waivers. No waivers were presented.

Open Forum Time. No comments were made.

2016-17.72. Consensus Agenda Approval. Motion by Weyand, second by McCloud, to approve the following consensus agenda: minutes of the February 13, 2017 meeting, February 2017 Financial Statement and February 2017 Trust and Agency Fund Report, the February 2017 Imprest Fund Report, and payment of the presented bills for March 13, 2017. Unanimous.

February 2017 Imprest Fund: Travel & Fuel Costs/Reimbursements: Melissa Geditz $85.68, Derek Barrios $27, Shayne Geditz $64.29, Jamie Werner $117.50, Jeremy Demery $42.09, Owl Lodge $400, Dacotah Bank $608. Fees/Registrations: Mount Vernon School $125, Howard School $100, Parkston School $125, Region IV Music $160.00. Officials: Mark Ulrich $190, Glenn Beutler $163, Jordan Opp $100, Greg Stroh $135, Jason Wenzel $100, Jason Rabenberg $100, Bryan Zahn $180, Repairs/Supplies: Walmart $202.54. Other: US Post Office $27.25 Postage;

March 13, 2017 Bill Payment: Jack Aesoph $30 Services, Dalton Baloun $45 Services, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer, Peterson $208.06 Fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $253.44 Supplies, BerMac $175.70 Repairs, Best Western $122.99 Travel, Brentwood Colony $397.22 Food Service Contract, Cardmember Services $350.73 Supplies & Fees, CBM $10,987.02 Food Service Contract, Century Business $795.23 Services, City of Faulkton $251.22 Utilities, Cole Papers $1,048.96, Combined Building Specialties $6,826.00 Bleacher Motors, Trevor Cramer $35.00 Services, Nicole Cunningham $10 Services, Dakota Dust-Tex $116.10 Services, Dakota Supply Group $1,131.84 Supplies, Delta Dental $2,950.52 Insurance, Faulk County Record $235.73 Publishing, FAMC $888.75 Services, Faulkton Drug $24.20 Supplies, Faulkton School $6,587.35 Reimb. Imprest Fund & GBB Wage Donation, Follett $1,481.62 Books, Alan Hadrick $90 Services, David Hadrick $60 Services, Duane Hadrick $335 Services, Hanson Construction $903.75 Snow Removal & Services, Hase Plumbing $4,260.20 Repairs, David Heidenreich $20 Services, Falyn Hogg $45 Services, Holiday Inn Express $623 Travel, Homan Hardware $104.03 Repairs, Houghton Mifflin $5,406.26 Supplies, K&D Busing $19,419.52 Busing Contract, KC Lumber $334.19, Beverly King $30 Services, Brent Koens $285 Services, Lamb Chevrolet $20,201 Vehicle, Michele Latt $95.22 Mileage Reimb., Dan Laugerhausen $120 Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,289.76 Tuition/Residential Fees, Orin Melius $280 Services, Menards $25.27 Repairs, Danica Mickelson $95 Services, NCFE $704.68 Fuel &Gas, North Star Energy $4,473.32 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,932.98 Utilities, Pamela Osnes $938.60 Services, Pearson Education $1,755.95 Supplies, Reliastar Life Ins. $23.40 Insurance, Remtech $100 Supplies, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Schatz Electric $245.45 Repairs, Super 8 $175 Travel, Technology & Innovations $2,200 Services, Thunderbird Colony $631.54 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $37.77 Services, University of Oregon $158 Supplies, USI $333.75, Venture Communications $331.11 Phone/Fax/Internet, Darin Vetch $195 Services, VoWac $1,365.27, Wells Fargo $503.46 Copier Lease, Wellmark $28,189.00 Health Insurance; March 2017 Payroll: General Fund: $173,122.71 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $21,815.07 w/ benefits, Food Service $2,350.60 w/ benefits, Pre-K $753.55 w/ benefits.

Strategic Planning Presentation. Tom Oster, Dakota Education Consulting (DEC), was in attendance to present to the board what Dakota Education Consulting has to offer and what their plan would be for strategic planning for our district. Oster stated they would begin with administering a survey to faculty, staff, parents, students and community members. The purpose of the survey would be to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, concerns, and threats for the district. Then they would collect data in the following areas: achievement information, current and projected enrollment, and financial information. DEC would then communicate the information found in the surveys to faculty/staff, administration, parents, students, and community members. Focus groups would also be formed and meet to discuss specific criteria. DEC will synthesize data and construct a draft of district goals and objectives using the information gathered from the surveys, data collected, and the focus group discussions. A board retreat to review the results as well as a draft of the District’s Action Plan would be held. The plan would then be shared with education stakeholders and a 30-day public comment period will be established before the plan is approved. The entire strategic planning process takes approximately 1 year to complete and Oster stated their company works with about 3-4 schools/year. The cost of these services to the district would be $8,875. Oster also said that Dakota Resources (a company who will also be presenting a proposal for strategic planning) has been in contact with him wanting to jointly come together with DEC for the strategic planning process with our district. Oster stated Dakota Resources has a lot of experience with community involvement and economic development. Dakota Resources would charge $2,500 to DEC but if this is the route our district choses, DEC would only increase the district’s invoice $1,000 ($9,875).

Reporting & Live Board Meetings. Mr. Barrios wanted to discuss the possibility of live streaming school board meetings by making them available on the school website and/or the venture tv channel. The board thought it was a good idea. Board member Weyand said a representative of ASBSD cautioned against this due to any viewers who may be deaf or hearing impaired. This will be checked into.

2016-17.73. Junior Kindergarten. The projected student numbers after pre-school screening were presented to the board. Mr. Barrios stated he recommends adding an additional pre-school group in the 2017-18 school year to accommodate the large class of 27 students, then junior kindergarten would be added in the 2018-19 school year. Barrios said the preschool teacher would change from part-time to full-time. Mrs. Latt and Mrs. Hammond explained and clarified a lot of the board’s questions on preschool and junior kindergarten. Motion by Weyand, second by Heitmann, to proceed with this plan and hire a full time preschool teacher for the 2017-18 school year to teach 2 groups of preschool as well as any other duties as assigned. Unanimous.

School Calendar. Mr. Barrios presented the board with the 2017-2018 school calendar and stated FEA had agreed to it. Barrios stated this calendar was almost a mere image of last years with minor changes. Barrios stated those changes and read this calendar for a first reading. The board will have the second reading and adoption at the April meeting.

Kindergarten. Mr. Barrios and Mrs. Hammond informed the board that trimesters, instead of quarters, will be implemented in Kindergarten in the 2017-18 school year. They explained that currently a standards-based report card is used which aligns more effectivity with trimesters. Mr. Barrios said parent-teacher conferences may be different for Kindergarten.

Building & Grounds. Head Maintenance Report. Mr. Barrios read Janet Reed’s Maintenance Report as follows: Elite Drain & Sewer Cleaning completed the sewer line camera project in late February and will provide a video and report to Mr. Barrios soon. The parking lots continue to be a muddy mess. Gravel was added to the north lot after all the rain to take care of the ice hazard, but with all the snow removal since then, the gravel is all on the west end. Doug Deiter has volunteered again this year to spread and groom the gravel in that lot. Asphalt quotes are being obtained to see what the cost would be for asphalt in the parking areas. Sewer Line Report. Mr. Barrios stated he has not received the report yet. Leaking Roof Update. Barrios said a roofing company out of Aberdeen was here and repaired the leaking areas. A better solution is being looked into.

2016-17.74. Election Board. Motion by Heitmann, second by Weyand, to hire Dianne Baloun, Sheilah Fischer, and Deb Roseland at a rate of $150/day, plus mileage reimbursement of $0.42/mile, as Election Board workers for the School Board Election on April 11, 2017. Unanimous.

Superintendent’s Report – National Supt. Conference. Mr. Barrios stated he attended the National Superintendent’s Conference in New Orleans in February. He received a lot of great information on how to effectively communicate with school boards and the community. Legislative Update. Mr. Barrios said the legislative session is over and schools will receive a 0.3% increase. Barrios stated he reached out and contacted our district representative in regards to the 0% proposal. He also informed the board that a $5,000 minimum was set on the conflict of interest amendment. Lockdown Procedures. Barrios said this spring the staff and students will be doing a mock lock down drill. The districts policies and procedures will be explained and discussed with staff and students. The drill will not be presented in a hostile situation but mainly for instructional purposes.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Mr. Cassens stated he attended the state funded mentor conference in San Francisco in February. He said there were excellent key note speakers and he appreciated the district allowing him time out of the building in order to attend. Open Campus. Cassens reminded the board that the 4th quarter senior privilege/open campus policy will start on Monday for a trial run. All students will have to meet the requirements in order to receive this privilege and parents will have to give written permission as well as provide the district with a copy of their vehicle insurance. Cassens said seniors will be required to check in and out with him.

Open Forum. No comments were made.

2016-17.75. Executive Session-Personnel/Negotiations. Motion by McCloud, second by Heitmann, to go into executive session at 7:40 p.m. for the purpose of preparing for contract negotiations or negotiating with employees or employee representatives, as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(4), and for the purpose of discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. The term "employee" does not include any independent contractor, as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(1). Out of executive session at 10:54 p.m.

2016-17.76. Contract Amendment-Assistant Track Coach. Motion by Heitmann, second by McCloud, to amend Derek Barrios’ 2016-2017 contract to include assistant track coach at the salary of $1,505. Total Contract: $78,005 (Contract: $76,500, Assistant Track $1,505). Unanimous.

2016-17.77. Drivers Education Instructor. Motion by Brand, second by McCloud, to offer a work agreement to Larry Goebel as Driver’s Education Instructor at $25.00/hr for the 2016-2017 school year. Approximately 18-20 students will participate. Unanimous.

2016-17.78. Music Teacher. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to offer a contract to Danica Mickelson as K-12 Music Instructor on BA Step 0 and assign the K-12 Music Director as a co-curricular assignment. Salary subject to the 2016-2017 Negotiated Master Contract. Unanimous.

2016-17.79. Head Volleyball Coach-Leave of Absence. Motion by Brand, second by McCloud, to grant Vanessa Bowman a leave of absence from the Head Volleyball coaching position for the 2017-2018 school year. Mr. Barrios was directed to advertise the position.

2016-17.80. Administrative Contracts. Motion by Heitmann, second by McCloud, to offer 1-year contracts to the following administration for the 2017-2018 school year with salaries to be negotiated: Craig Cassens, High School Principal/AD and Lisa Raethz, Business Official/Food Service Director. 2016-17.81. Motion by McCloud, second by Brand, to offer a 2-year contract to Derek Barrios, Superintendent/Elementary Principal for the 2017-2018 school year with salary to be negotiated. Unanimous.

2016-17.82. Adjournment. Motion by Heitmann, second by McCloud, to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Chairman, Kelly Aesoph Business Official, Lisa Raethz