
AR Passwords

There are a couple of ways you can check on your child's AR grades. If you click on AR Parent Portal (Link under parents tab) you should be able to check as to tests taken and passed this year. If you do not have a parent password and would like one email . You can also go to Renaissance Home and type in your students password to see what books your child has already taken tests on. This link also lets your child practice their math skills. For more information contact your child's teacher or Mrs. Demery.

Parent Portal (Grades)

Dakota Scholarship Presentation

Web Resources for parents

FASFA Online

To request a PIN number on-line

FASFA Online

To fill out the FASFA on-line

U.S. Dept. of Education

Tips for helping with homework, reading with your child, etc. from infants to college

Scholastic Company

Information on infants to grade 8

South Dakota Parent Resource Network

Provides materials and training to help parents to work with their children to improve academic achievement.

Learning Disabilities Resources

Vaccination Requirements

Students entering the 6th grade beginning with the 2016-17 school year will be required to be vaccinated with one dose of Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis vaccine, also known as Tdap and one dose of meningococcal vaccine, also known as MCV4. Both of these vaccines should be received on or after the 11th birthday. This requirement will be deferred for students that have not yet reached their 11th birthday. On the 11th birthday the requirement would apply. Please visit with your physician or your local community health nurse to see if your child needs these and other recommended vaccines.

Graduation Requirements

Click on any of the following to view suggested plans of study for each of the three Graduation Pathways. (NOTE: These requirements do NOT apply to the class of 2009. The pathways begin with the class of 2010)