2014 December Minutes

Faulkton Area School District 24-4 Board of Education

Monday, December 8, 2014

7:30 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Faulkton Area Schools 24-4 Board of Education was called to order by Chairman Heather Bode at 7:30 p.m. in the office of the superintendent.

Roll call of members present were: Heather Bode, Gary Bowar, Todd Brand and Grady Heitmann. Absent: Kelly Aesoph. Also present were Supt. Joel Price, Business Official Lisa Raethz, Garrick Moritz, Judy Grabinski, Jody Moritz, Linda Demery, Shae Stephenson, Brice Cunningham, Melissa Geditz, Diana Homan, Melissa Hayes, and Kari Haberling.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2014-15.65. Agenda Approval. Motion by Bowar, second by Heitmann, to approve the proposed agenda. Unanimous.

2014-15.66. Minutes & Financial Approvals. Motion by Heitmann, second by Bowar, to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2014 meeting, the November 2014 Trust and Agency Fund and Imprest Fund Reports, the November 2014 Financial Statement, and payment of the presented bills for December 8, 2014. Unanimous.

November 2014 Imprest Fund: Amanda Stulken $84.00 Travel Reimb., District VI FFA $54.00 Registration fees, Shae Stephenson $14.67 Supply Reimb., Craig Cassens $333.48 Travel & Fee Reimb., Wolsey/Wessington School $222.74 Oral Interp Fee, DCI $86.50 Background Check Fee, Dacotah Bank $994.00 State FB Meal Funds, Faulk Co. Sheriff $15.00 Fingerprinting Fee, NSU $45.00 Band Clinic Fee, Doland School $217.91 Oral Interp Fee, Roxanne Bush $53.75 Fuel Cost Reimb., SDML $25.00 Election School Fee;

December 8, 2014 Bill Payment: A&B Business $3.95 Supplies, Bantz, Gosch, Cremer & Peterson $1,683.16 Legal fees, Bauer’s Super Valu $360.03 Supplies, Brentwood Colony $549.46 Food Service Contract, Cash-Wa Distributing $2,140.67 Food & Supplies, Century Business $623.68 Copier Services, City of Faulkton $790.14 Water/Sewer & Ball Park Electricity, CPI $2,285.00 Instructor Certification, Dacotah Bank $109.28 Supplies, Dakota Dust-Tex $95.00 Services, Dean Foods $1,971.28 Milk, Delta Dental $3,029.00 Insurance, Earthgrains Baking Companies $525.86 Bread, FAMC $1,125.00 Physical Therapy, Faulkton Development Corporation $42,500.00 Gym Lease, Faulkton Hardware $88.59 Repairs, Faulkton School $2,146.05 Reimb. Imprest Fund, Fink Plumbling $220.58 Services, GE Capital $503.46 Copier Lease, Graphic Edge $175.18 Jerseys, Hanson Construction $1,095.92 Snow Removal, Hase Plumbing $266.43 Repairs, Hauff Mid-America Sports $2,296.75 Jerseys & Supplies, Homan Ace Hardware $201.86 Supplies & Repairs, Johnson Controls $377.15 Repairs, K&D Busing $18,927.91 Busing Contract, KC Lumber $46.88 Supplies & Repairs, Matheson Tri-Gas $8.68 Services, McCrossan Boys Ranch $5,150.76 Residential/Tuitions fees, Menards $23.38 Supplies, Miller School $1,434.84 Services, NCFE $343.37 Gas, Northern Plains $6,666.29 Propane, Northwestern Energy $2,103.12 Electricity, Pauer Sound & Music $7,097.99 Speaker System, Reuer Sanitation $585.00 Services, Schatz Electric $56.45 Repairs, SD Dept. of Education $470.21 Commodities, SD Dept. of Public Safety $28.00 Services, SD School Benefit Fund $26,036.30 Insurance, SDHSAA $30.00 FB Metals, Taylor Music $61.00 Repairs, Thunderbird Colony $952.17 Food Service Contract, Time Management Systems $42.32 Services, US Food Service $2,407.38 Food and Supplies, Venture Communications $189.10 Phone/Internet/Fax, December 2014 Payroll: General Fund: $165,812.56 w/ benefits, Special Ed. $23,323.50 w/ benefits, Food Service $6,070.83 w/ benefits, Pre-K/Driver Ed.: $319.65 w/benefits.

Public Comment:

Food Program. Judy Grabinski was present to address the board on what other schools around our area are offering for their lunch program. Grabinski had many examples and information and requested we look into what options are out there. The board thanked her for her input.

Arts Council Building. Jody Moritz informed the board that the Arts Council is adding a 14x27’ building onto the west side of the Community Center to store several items they own and use/rent out. The new building will be on Development Corporation land but thought the school should be informed.


Football Program. Mr. Price recognized and congratulated the football program on an excellent year. He stated he received 2 plaques, 1 from the team and the other from the senior boys thanking him for his coaching and dedication to the team. Heather Bode went on to state that the players, coaches, cheerleaders, fans and the entire community should be commended for great sportsmanship, determination, and hard work that was put into such a successful and amazing season.

Ag/Case Grant. Mr. Price then recognized Noelle Swanson for applying for and receiving the CASE grant in the amount of $5,000. This grant focuses on nationally recognizing and developing curriculum that blends STEM concepts into Ag Classes. It is sponsored and endorsed by several big name companies. We were selected from over 200 applicants to implement a CASE program from DuPont Pioneer. The plan is to start a CASE Plant Science Course. Swanson also received a perkins grant for the ag program in the amount of $5,100.

Oral Interpretation. Nancy Heidenreich and the oral interp team (Tess Heidenreich, John Cassens, Alyssa Meyer & Chris Cassens) were commended for receiving superior and excellent status awards at state oral interp competition. Price listed off the outstanding awards these students received.

Superintendents Report. Governor’s Budget Address. Mr. Price informed the board that the Governor recommend giving school’s a 2% increase to their PSA next year. This is 0.5% more than the 1.5% CPI. This year the governor is proposing that the cost of 3 other school funding sources (technology in schools money, sparsity factor, and student assessment funds) be shared by both state and local funds instead of 100% by the state in the past. This will save the state $2.6 million in which the governor wants to give back to schools through PSA. (PSA will go from $4,781.14 to $4,876.76.) Teacher Shortage Update. Mr. Price reviewed the data collected by SD School Administrators from the SD Retirement System and eight SD colleges and universities showing the number of potential retirees surpasses the number of potential new teachers by 278 in 2015. Capital Outlay Legislation. Mr. Price stated there is a bill forming that would restrict the amount of Capital Outlay funding allowed to be used for general fund expenses and also that restricts the mill levy. Price encouraged board members to talk to legislators about this bill. CPI Training. Price stated he would be attending CPI training in Rapid City Tuesday through Friday this week.

Elementary Open House. Melissa Geditz, Melissa Hayes, Kari Haberling, Diana Homan and Shae Stephenson were in attendance to explain the open house being held December 9th. These teachers are working towards their Masters degree and this is a project they are doing to show how they can communicate better with parents. The topics covered will be: VoWac, Promethean Expression voting devices used by students, Infinite Campus, Accelerated Reader, Library Catalog, and Special Education questions and interventions. They are hoping this opportunity bridges the communication gap between teachers and parents. Future open houses will be determined by a survey.

AdvancED. Brice Cunningham, Linda Demery, and Melissa Geditz (Steering Committee) were present to explain the AdvancED accreditation process to the board. Mr. Price told board members that our district is required to be accredited by the state and one other organization and for us it’s AdvancED. They explained what AdvancED is and what our mission and goals are. Our school district will have a 5-year review March 23-25 and the steering committee has been continuously preparing for this. The review will bring a team of 5 members here and a full evaluation of our school will be performed. The district will receive accreditation and a report outlining strengths and weaknesses of our district. Interviews will be conducted with several stakeholders in our district.The district is responsible for mileage, hotel and meal reimbursements for the review committee.

Secondary Principal/AD Report. Mr. Cassens was not in attendance but Mr. Price gave his report for him. Cassens wanted to publically thank Mary Vetch and the Athletic Boosters for the meal at the fall sports banquet. The last day of the 1st semester is December 23rd with a 2:30 p.m. dismissal and semester tests are December 22nd & 23rd. Duel Credits. Cassens’ board report stated that students are in the process of enrolling in dual credit courses for the 2nd semester. Mrs. Melius and some of our dual credit students have been invited to participate in a DOE event at the Capitol Rotunda in Pierre showcasing our program. Mr. Price also stated that Paul Higbee (T.I.E.) would be here tomorrow interviewing Mr. Cassens, Mrs. Melius, Mr. Tisher, and 4-5 students about the duel credit opportunity that our district is utilizing very well. The program was highly praised by Dr. Melody Schopp, SD Secretary of Education.

2014-15.67. Trust & Agency Interest Policy. Motion by Bowar, second by Brand, to amend the Policy called Trust & Agency Interest to state: All interest earned in the Trust & Agency account will be transferred to the general fund except interest from the scholarship accounts, which would remain with said account. Unanimous.

2014-15.68.Executive Session. Motion by Brand, second by Heitmann, to go into executive session at 8:38 p.m. for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel or reviewing communications from legal counsel about a proposed or pending litigation or contractual matters as set forth in SDCL 1-25-2(3). Out at 9:25 p.m.

2014-15.69. Mid-Central Coop. Contract. Motion by Bowar, seconded by Heitmann, to enter into a contract with Mid-Central Coop. for behavioral consultation, assessment, in-classroom coaching and/or professional development to the district as requested. Unanimous.

Food Program Discussion. Lisa Raethz informed the board that she, Mr. Price, and Bobbi Heitmann were meeting with a representative from CBM next Wednesday. Raethz stated CBM is the company that Miller School District contracts out their food program with. Heather Bode also suggested meeting with another company.

2014-15.70. Adjournment. Motion by Brand, second by Bowar, to adjourn at 9:35 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.

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Board Chairman, Heather Bode Business Official, Lisa Raethz