1.2: In-Class

  • Introduction - getting to know each other and building community

  • Workshop Objectives

Welcome to our first session. Please bring your laptop or let us know if you need a Chromebook. Although you have already introduced yourselves online, we will spend time getting to know each other, share what motivated you to attend this workshop, go over what to expect in the next six weeks, and ensure that all of you are comfortable using the technology tools.

Google Sites will be the platform we use to access all of the course materials and Slack will be used to interact online with the class.



  • In pairs, login to the Slack GoOpen workspace. Slack sign in [new window]. Share your Introduction post with your partner. You will have five to ten minutes to get further acquainted with your partner.https://slack.com/signin

Cost Savings for Students Discussion

In the at-home activity, you completed a form that calculated the amount of money you could potentially save students in one year by adopting no-cost resources.

  • Share with the group what your students' cost savings are in a year. Alternative: Share an experience with textbook costs. This can be a personal experience, an anecdote, or an observation.

  • Share with the group what your motivations are in taking this workshop.

Develop Workshop Participation Guidelines

This workshop is an open and collaborative learning environment and each person will be empowered and supported through the learning process. We encourage you to share your ideas, knowing that your opinions and views will be received openly and discussed respectfully. Let's develop guidelines for participation and teamwork in this workshop.

1.2 Participation Guidelines

Grading Rubric

Points: 5

Participate and contribute to the development of the participation guidelines.
