1.1 At-Home

  • Introduction - getting to know each other and building community

  • Workshop Objectives

Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes

We will ease into this workshop series by sharing a little about ourselves and learning about the other participants.

This workshop series is designed so you can do some of the work at home in preparation for the in-class workshop session. That way, we can make the most of the time we have together doing hands-on activities, participating in discussions, and actively working toward finding, evaluating, and incorporating no-cost, low-cost, and creative commons resources as replacements to traditional textbooks

During this first week, we will get to know each other and become familiar with the tools we will be using during the workshop.

For all in-class sessions, please bring your laptop. If you do not have a laptop, please let us know and we can provide a chromebook for your use.

This workshop starts with an ice-breaker in Slack (a workplace messaging app). The intention of the ice-breaker is to foster sharing and openness with the hope that this will lead to interacting and bonding with your fellow participants. This is an important part of the overall workshop experience because we will be learning with and from each other.

1.1 Join Slack

1.1 Introduction Posting

You should have received an email from Junie Hayashi inviting you to join GoOpen on Slack. Please be sure you accept the invitation to Join Now. Once you select Join Now, you will be taken to Slack. Enter your Full name, Display name, and create a password.

Once you are in the GoOpen workspace, please personalize your profile (upload a profile photo, add any pertinent information you would like to share).

Go to Channels and select #week-one. Start your introductory post. To add a photo and text, select "+" on the left of the message box.

message box

By selecting "Return" or "Enter" on your keyboard you will be uploading your post. If you wish to edit your post, please mouse over your post until you see an icon menu. Select "..." to edit your post.

icon menu

Please include the following in your post:

  1. Post a meaningful photograph of yourself. It can be a favorite vacation photo or a family photo then write a little about yourself. You can share why the photo is meaningful.

  2. Share what you currently know about Open Educational Resources. If you know nothing about OER, that's fine, share that. We are starting right where you are.

  3. Share what your motivation is for taking this workshop.

1.1 How Much Money Am I Saving My Students?

Fill out the form that calculates how much money your students save by your adoption of no-cost resources to your course. Prior to Tuesday's in-class session, you will receive an email which uses the information you entered in the form and calculates how much money your students save by your adoption of no-cost resources.

1.1 Introduction Posting

Grading Rubric

Points: 5

Submit: Post your response to Slack

  • 5 points for a complete response to all three questions with a photo

  • 3 points for a complete response to at least two of the questions

  • 0 points for a blank or incomplete response

1.1 How Much Money Am I Saving My Students?

Points: 5

Submit your form that calculates how much money your students save. Prior to the in-class session, you will receive an email summarizing the information you submitted and calculating your students' savings. We will use the information as a discussion topic during the in-class session.

Total Points: 10