
My prose and screenplays. 

Here is the gathering place for all my prose I decided to put online. Enjoy!

NaNoWriMo, Etc.


Since starting this page in 2007, I have won NaNoWriMo 5 times, wrote 22k in Script Frenzy (2012) and attempted Camp NaNo before life got in the way. I fully intend to keep up with NaNoWriMo, and am a co-ML this year. I also am taking a fiction class and may share things from that here too. Or not. I'm a touch paranoid at times. 


Kasumi and The Tragedy of Victory are set in a California where superpowered beings are quarreling over a small city tucked away in the mountains somewhere. 

Searching For Charon is our world, but the spirits of planets and stars and other celestial objects have taken human forms and secretly try to learn about being human. Sol-DST is from this.

Bringers of the Rain is set in a desert much like the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, but with magic. the Petroglyphs excerpt is from this one.

For Out of the Deep, Contentment, Whispers, and In the Shadow of the Queen (see Daffodil short below), see My Conworld Page.

Sometimes stories come out of the ether, or from very twisted mythologies. A Pet for Death is probably the best example of the latter, and Starlight is a good example of the former. It's unlikely but not impossible for their world to be expanded. And rarely, very rarely, I write honest to goodness fanfic, like Carmen Chiaroscuro and the TTR one below.


The Main Character Master List (all stories)

Kasumi Characters (2007)

The Long List of Kasumi Character Info (2007)


Ongoing - Contentment - a young Quanafi child's mother perishes in an eruption and she and her father's search for shelter puts her in the middle of the greatest feud the Quanafi have known

N 2007 - Kasumi - a girl with no powers growing up in a family and around friends who are all magical girls/guys

N 2008 - The Tragedy of Victory - the dark backstory of one of Kasumi's friends

N 2009 - Out of the Deep - an aquatic shapeshifter meets humans for the first time

N 2010 - Searching for Charon - Pluto took demotion hard, but Charon took it harder

N 2011 - Bringers of the Rain - is this chance encounter with nomads as much a blessing as the monsoon rains?

SS 2011 - Neptune and her roommate Cassie start college (see Searching for Charon)

               - A couple guys gather scrap and try to make it to get free food on time

SF 2012 - Whispers - a young deaf Yawurenyi princess goes to a deaf school, and may well change her world

CN-J 2012 - In the Shadow of the Queen - The queen's lowest ranking servant sets the record straight 

Buy My Book:

I kind of have to write it first...



 Random Ramblings


Writing Exercises & Challenges

The Pixies' Chaotic Quest


 Goal: How long does it take to write the 1,667 word daily average for NaNoWriMo?

 1,719 Words, 1:55

Time's Garden 


Goal: to convey color without color, and then description with only color. 

786 Words, 1:15