RPG Stunts

Samar's stunts are in violet. The number in parentheses are how many stunt dice she got for them (out of 3, with 3 being high)

Samar's wall of obsidian and coral from the floor set, she focuses, and it begins to glow gold, red and violet, as a sunset. The formerly jagged obsidian becomes the slick, glassy outer walls of a star-shaped fort, reflective as a mirror and backlit by Samar's anima, and angled outward enough to dissuade climbing, if the spikes of broken obsidian just below the top weren't incentive enough. At the tops of the points are turrets of coral, interwoven so tightly as to seem nearly seamless themselves. Golden anemone sprout from the coral's surface, eager for a meal of lampreys or sardines. As the walls rise higher, the ravine before them grows deeper, sloping severely towards the point where fire from both walls meet.  (3)

Samar stacks many sheets of notebook paper and running her hand along the top they rain out in front of her like oversized playing cards. She wreaths them in essence, and they fold themselves up into little origami boxes. They float up over the top of the anemone and coral turrets and hover for a second, streamers of sparkling light turning into long, venomous tentacles, as the whole jellyfish turn transparent, visible only by the reflection of the various animas on their surface. "Go forth my little friends, the one the squid man is trying to eat is made of shrimp," she whispers gently. They eagerly float out above Malice and drop suddenly on top of her, tentacles latching on to her wherever they can, stinging and trying to eat her. They politely avoid Samar's allies. (2)

Samar takes out a bag of dried fern fiddleheads and surrounds them in golden essence. They unfurl, not into fronds, but into brown tentacles, shifting into hand-sized yellowish octopodes, striped in brown, each bearing tell-tale blue rings on their darkest stripes. These descend as well, and with a jet of water, each darts over to Malice, creeping up into her armor as if it were caves. The blue-ringed octopodes then get agitated by even Malice's tiniest movements required to cast spells, glow solar gold with brilliant peacock blue rings, and bite Malice with their beaks, each a tiny painless bite, but full of venom. (3)

Samar shakes out some green tea around her and flares it with brilliant essence, turning it into countless green fire tetras, tiny metallic green fish with fiery red accents. They swim over the wall, a shimmering green and red cloud of fish. The tips of their fins and tails turn a bright white and the fish begin to glow, surrounding themselves with green pyreflame, red flame, and sparks of white essence. They surround Malice, schooling so as to keep themselves primarily between her and Lirit. If touched they flare their pyreflame a blinding green, and the area around them sparkles with white and red. (3)