
  • Chiquet P., Knockaert J., Sheep Birth Distribution In Neolithic Herds In The Western Alps Using The Tooth Enamel Oxygen Isotope Ratios Analysis: First Results. EAA 24th Annual Meeting - Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 Sep 2018.

  • Walsh K., Giguet-Covex C., Bajard M., Develle A.-L., Poulenard J., Sabatier P., Arnaud F., Ficetola F., Gielly L., Wentao C., Human-Environment Interactions In The Alps: Integrating Multiple Scales of Analysis via Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Evidence: The Significant Potential of sedadna. EAA 24th Annual Meeting - Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 Sep 2018.

  • Walsh K., Giguet-Covex C. A History of Human Exploitation of Alpine Regions. Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes. Elsevier Inc. 2019.